Blizzard in Weihai City, Shandong Province, China continued to intensify, and the local Wendeng Station was over 70 cm, breaking the historical extreme value.

Comprehensive Surging News and China News Agency reported that since the evening of Tuesday (December 19), it has been snowing for three days and three nights.The depth is 74 cm, a record of innovation.

There have been many cold snowfalls since December of Shandong Peninsula.The monitoring of the Central Meteorological Station showed that as of 8 am as of Thursday (21st), Yantai was 52 cm and Wendeng 55 cm. Its Chinese has broken the snow record (54 cm) on December 13, 2005.

The snowfall of Shandong Peninsula continues on Thursday, and Blizzard (14 to 18 mm) in Weihai Bureau in Shandong.On Friday morning, the snow depth of Weihai Wendeng Station reached 74 cm, breaking the depth of snow depth since the establishment of the station created on Thursday.

The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that the snowfall on the Shandong Peninsula will gradually weaken during the day to night, and the local area will be as small as snow.

According to the Meteorological Bureau of Yantai City, Shandong Province, Yantai and Weihai, as a typical seaside city, have formed a unique coastal snow city in winter and are called "China Snow Wow".The snowfall in the two cities is mainly cold snow, accounting for more than 80%of the total snowfall days.Meteorological statistics from Yantai Laishan Airport shows that the average number of local cold snow years is about 39 days.

Yang Chengfang, chief forecast at the Shandong Meteorological Observatory, said that the Blizzard process was an extreme event this time.From December 15th to 17th, December 20th to 22nd, two consecutive coldstream blizzard appeared in Yantai and Weihai. Due to the short interval between the two strong snowfall process, the temperature was low, the depth of snow was large, the snow accumulated for a long time, the snow accumulated for a long timeDo not have an adverse impact on the operation, transportation and energy conservation of the two places.