Boeing said that a Boeing 787 passenger plane will be delivered to China Auspicious Airlines, which is the first time that Boeing has delivered commercial passenger planes to Chinese airlines since 2019.

Comprehensive Agencence France -Presse, Bloomberg and Reuters reported that the information of the flight tracking platform Flightradar24 showed that auspicious Airlines a Boeing 787 Dream Aircraft local time on Thursday (December 21) from the factory in Seattle in the United StatesIt is expected to arrive in Shanghai on the afternoon of Friday (22nd).

After two aircraft crash in Indonesia's Lion Airlines and Ethiopia in 2019 in 2018, the Boeing 737 MAX models were grounded, and it was not gradually restored this model's commercial passenger until early this year.

But with the deterioration of Sino -US relations, Boeing has been hit hard in China in recent years, and has not received orders from China since 2017.

After the Sino -US dollar meeting in San Francisco in November this year, Boeing planes ushered in signs of selling ice breaking in China.

Aviation Industry Information Publication The Air Current airflow on Wednesday (December 20) quoted sources as saying that Hu Zhenjiang, deputy director of China Civil Aviation Administration, met with the R & D project of the American Boeing Civil aircraft group in Beijing on December 8When the customer supports Senior Vice President Fleming, the green light of the Boeing 737 MAX model was officially opened.

Boeing has expected that China will account for about 20%of global aircraft demand in the next 20 years; by 2042, the number of Chinese passenger planes will reach 9600, and the demand for the Boeing 737 MAX series will reach 6470shelf.

Bloomberg reported that another Boeing 787 aircraft is preparing to deliver to China Oriental Airlines, which proves that the delivery of Jixiang Airlines is not a disposable incident.

As of November, Boeing has delivered 62 dream planes this year.The delivery of Jixiang Airlines will help Boeing to go further towards the 787th 787th delivery target of 70 to 80.

Restoring to China 787 will also help Boeing to clean up the inventory of dream planes and increase cash flow.According to the US Investment Bank Jefu Rui, about 12 of the 75 wide -body machines that have not been delivered in the Boeing warehouse, about 12 are designated to be delivered to China.