The head anchor Dong Yuhui, who was previously trapped in the "small composition" storm, said on Thursday (December 21) that the earlier announcement announced by the East was selected by the East.In the report of this listed company.

Comprehensive daily economic news, Shanghai Securities News, and Securities Times reported that Dong Yuhui and Zhou Chenggang, CEO (CEO) of New Oriental Education Technology Group that night, appeared at the East selection live room.Dong Yuhui responded to some hot topics recently.

Dong Yuhui said, although he will set up a personal studio, he has not left the East selection.The previously announced Dong Yuhui personal studio was selected by Dongfang 100%Holdings.He also said that after the energy of other anchors in the live broadcast room in the future, Yu Minhong, the founder of New Oriental and the CEO of Oriental selection, will also open a separate live broadcast room for him as appropriate.

Dong Yuhui said, "The purpose is to allow everyone to fully release themselves. On the basis of maintaining the selection of agricultural product genes in the East, we can put it all over."It is expected to be selected from the Eastern Selection of Guangxi.In the future, independent studios will still insist on selling a large number of agricultural products. "Teacher Yu talked to me. In the future, the oriental selection can be sold, and I can sell it. The goods can be completely overlapped and will alternate each other.P>

Dong Yuhui also said that in the past year, he has not mentioned any demands in salary and income. Yu Minhong has repeatedly mentioned that he will give himself a better return.But he is the chairman, and there are some difficulties between the specific operations of the company.I hope you don't misunderstand him anymore, otherwise you will feel ashamed to him.

Dong Yuhui said that in New Oriental for so many years, his own experience is any company, good managers, but better managers are better serviceters.

He also said that Yu Minhong has always been like a service person. He will set up a place for you, discover your potential, create a space for you, respect your value and your personality.Therefore, in an interview, I said that I ca n’t be a good manager, and I do n’t need to be a good manager. I can manage themselves first, and others know how to do it.

East selection editor previously said that the propaganda copy that Dong Yuhui read on December 5 was not only completed by Dong Yuhui. Dong Yuhui fans believed that this was "back thorn" Dong Yuhui and scolded the company's editor, which caused the company to trigger, which triggered a cursing battle."Little Composition" storm.

Oriental selection announced on December 16 that it eliminates the company's executive director and CEO Sun Dongxu, and Yu Minhong will also serve as CEO.Oriental selection was announced the next day, Dong Yuhui was upgraded to a senior partner in the East.