China and the Philippines have recently upgraded in the South China Sea. Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, said that the current China -Philippine relations are facing serious difficulties.Essence

According to Xinhua News Agency, Wang Yi should call on Wednesday (December 20) with the Philippine Foreign Minister Manaro.

Wang Yi said that the current China -Philippine relations are facing serious difficulties. The root cause is that the Philippines has changed the policy position so far, abandoned her promises, and constantly provoked the trouble at sea to damage the legitimate rights of the Chinese side.China -Philippine relations have stood at the crossroads. Wherever they face the choice, the Philippines must act carefully.

Wang Yi advised the Fifth to "not go down in the wrong direction, but return to the right path as soon as possible."The priority is to properly handle and control the current situation at sea.China and Philippine are neighbors with water, and they should discuss the existing disputes.This is not only the effective way of getting along between neighboring countries, but also a useful experience in China -Philippine relations.

Wang Yi said that China has always been committed to solving differences through dialogue and negotiation, and jointly maintains the stability of the sea.However, if the Philippines misjudge the situation, it is lonely, and even with the unsatisfactory external forces, and continue to be chaotic, China will defend their rights in accordance with the law and resolutely respond.

The recent upgrading of the China and the Philippines in the South China Sea. The two countries conflicted in the disputed sea area for two consecutive days in the early days of the month. Both parties blamed each other on each other and showed that they were preparing for the situation upgrade of the situation.sign.

The Philippine President President Presks Katskus said in an interview with the Japanese media on the 16th of this month that China and the Philippine's efforts to solve the South China Sea issue through diplomacy are developing in the "bad direction". Manila must break the old thinking.Make "Paradigm Shift".

According to Reuters, the Philippine Minister of Defense Torodo also refuted China's accusations on the Philippines to provoke the tension and make trouble in the Philippines, saying that only Beijing believes such a statement sayingEssence

In 2013, the Philippines filed arbitration with China's sovereign dispute with China in the South China Sea. The arbitration results were announced three years later, and the arbitration results were almost supported by the Philippines.China said "not accepting and not recognizing", and said that China's territorial sovereignty and marine rights in the South China Sea have historical and legal foundations, and are not affected by the arbitral tribunal ruling.