The General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Xi Jinping requested the study and use of the "10 million projects" experience at the Rural Work Conference of the CPC Central Committee to promote the comprehensive revival of the countryside and ensure that the large -scale returning to poverty.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the CPC Central Committee Rural Work Conference was held on Tuesday to Wednesday (December 19th to 20th) in Beijing.The meeting analyzed the current situation and challenges facing the work of "agriculture, rural areas, rural areas, rural areas, and farmers), and deployed the" agriculture and rural "work in 2024.Xi Jinping made important instructions at the meeting.

Xi Jinping said that China overcome multiple adverse effects such as more serious natural disasters in 2023. Grain production reached a record high, farmers' income increased rapidly, and rural society was harmonious and stable.To promote the modernization of Chinese -style, we must persistently consolidate the foundation of agriculture and promote the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside.

Xi Jinping's request to promote the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside as the general starting point of the new era and the new journey of "agriculture, farmers", and learn to use the experience of "10 million projects".Concentrate to "do a good job of doing a good job of being able to do a lot of people."

Xi Jinping mentioned that it is necessary to fully implement the responsibility of the party and government of food security, and adhere to the stable area and increase the two -handed force.It is necessary to keep the lifeblood of cultivated land, resolutely rectify chaos, destroy illegal cultivation of cultivated land, increase the investment and control of high standard farmland construction, and ensure that the number of arable land is guaranteed and quality is improved.

He also requires to ensure that the scale is not returned to poverty, grasp the monitoring of poverty, implement assistance measures, enhance the internal vitality, and continuously consolidate the results of poverty alleviation; improve the level of rural industrial development, the level of rural construction, andThe level of rural governance has strengthened farmers' income measures and promoted the continuous progress and staged results in comprehensive revitalization of rural areas.

Reported that the meeting also conveyed the study of Xi Jinping's important instructions, and discussed the Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on learning and using the "Thousand Village Demonstrations, Wancun Remediation" project experience.Essence

The meeting requires learning to use the development concepts, working methods, and promotion mechanisms contained in the "10 million projects" to start from the peasant people's reflection of strong actual problems, find the entry point of prospective rural rejuvenation to improve the effectiveness of work; stable stability; stabilityThe area of ​​grain sowing has promoted large -scale improvement of grain production, consolidating the results of soybean expansion, and doing a good job of agricultural disaster prevention and mitigation, ensuring that the grain output remains above 1.3 trillion kg in 2024.

The meeting also emphasized that it is necessary to strengthen the CCP's comprehensive leadership of the "agriculture and rural" work, compact the five -level secretary to grasp the responsibility of rural rejuvenation, implement the requirements for priority development of agricultural and rural areas, and strengthen policy support and factor guarantee.Improve the method of working, strengthen the construction of work style, investigate and study, conform to the laws of nature, economic laws, and social development laws, and grasp the time -effective work.

Xi Jinping launched the "Thousand Village Demonstration and Wan Village Remediation" project (referred to as "Ten Thousand Projects) when he was in the main administration of Zhejiang in 2003, and proposed that about 10,000 administrative villages in nearly 40,000 villages in the province were proposedFor comprehensive rectification, build a comprehensive well -off demonstration village of about 1,000 of the central villages.