A associate professor at Peking University, China refused to enter the university credit card before entering the university.He brushed his face again, bypass the security check and directly entered the campus. As a result, he staged a chase of "cat catching mice" with the security guard.

The associate professor of the Peking University Institute of Technology, named Li Zhi, talked about fluid mechanics.On December 2, he published an article on the Chinese Q & A website "Zhihu" titled from today with the security of the security guard -Peking University's doorkeeper system.Cross -column comedy.

Cross -column Comedy

Li Zhi first claimed to be "teachers who never complied with this gatekeeper system since 2008".He wrote that since 2008, Peking University requires a certificate before entering the school gate, but he believes that "the university's free entry and exit is a matter of righteousness", so he has always refused to accept the verification.

Li Zhi is an associate professor at Peking University Institute of TechnologySpeaking of fluid mechanics, he claims to be "teachers who never follow the (Peking University) gatekeeper system since 2008".(Screenshot of the official website of Peking University)

At first, Li Zhi and security personnel had friction many times, but in the long run, the security guard knew him, and later did not verify it directly.

In 2019, Peking University installed the gate at the gate and required to be approved by the school.Check.

Therefore, after Li Zhiping showed up his work permit, he directly used his schoolbag to block his face screen and use his thin body advantage to squeeze the gate, or directly lift his leg to "column" to enter the school.Because the general gatekeepers mostly know him, they usually do not intercept.

But on December 2nd, when Li Zhi entered the school again, the security guard did not let him go quickly.The security guard chased him on the campus for a long time. After running, he did not catch up with and rode a bicycle to chase. After Li Zhi showed the work permit to the security guard, the chase drama ended.

When leaving school, Li Zhi was dragged by the gatekeeper backpack and asked for a face to brush his face, but he still insisted on the "column" out of school, and the two staged another tug of war.Regardless of the victory and defeat, Li Zhi finally went to the Ministry of Defense to complain about the management system.

This article attracted attention as soon as it was published, and the first day's browse was more than 50,000.Two days later, Li Zhi wrote again on December 4th why the gatekeeper system of Peking University had to be changed to tell the inconvenience of the school's access control system.

Li Zhi wrote that although the technology of the gate and face recognition is strong, there are inevitably differences between the body, and they often can't brush it for a long time, especially when it is dark.At the peak period of going to and from school and get off work, the front row of the gate was commonplace.Teachers and students feel bad, and the security guards at the door are also very hard.

He said: "This mode of strict guardianship is not suitable for universities. The security guards we really want to see should pay more attention to public places in the school, not standing at the door." He also called on Bei University teachers and students notAgree to authorize the school to use face recognition to enter and exit the school gate. "This is the right to us give us."

At the end of the article, I also wrote a poem summary: "I love Yan Garden, how can the gate be stopped ... Plant also enters the Yanyuan, why do you have to be authorized?"

These twoThe article is full of joy, and readers can't help but make up for the scene of his "fighting wisdom" with the security guard.On December 5th, Li Zhi has been submitted to the school's defense department, and he proposes his own ideas: swiping the card to enter the school, dismantle the school gate, and freely leave the school.

Zhihu publishes an article about starting with the security of today -Peking University's doorkeeper system, the changing article, with a humorous and funny writing, tells the experience of chasing himself with the security guard.(Zhihu website screenshot)

The dispute between the opening of the university

Many netizens believe that the university is originally a public asset, and it should be the norm for the public to visit the public.The door is closed.

The opening of the university that the university advocates the opening of the university is not only the opening of the physical form, but also the symbol of the university's open and inclusive attitude towards different ideas and groups."The universities should open not only the door of the campus, but also the door of thought."

Some netizens also criticized the inertia of "one -size -fits -all" blockade after the Chinese university experienced the crown disease epidemic.Some netizens wrote that closed management is separated from the essence of universities, and the closed measures taken in the epidemic can only be temporary.

But there are also public opinion that once the campus is completely open, the security issue will follow.Some netizens wrote that if everyone's quality is generally high enough, but if the quality is not high?"I often see the perverts outside the small wall mixed with the school. It should not be that the university campus should not be able to enter ..."

However, some netizens mentioned whether the safety issue of the campus can only pass through.Closing the door to realize it is also worth asking questions.There are many public areas that come in and out of the society at will. Is there no security in these places in malls, communities, parks, etc.?

Some netizens therefore advocated that the access control should be moved to teaching buildings and important places, doing refined management and control, instead of closing the door with a knife.

The tangible and intangible wall built by the university

In fact, for a long time, Chinese universities have not restricted external personnel to visit the campus, and the public can even be on the classroom in the classroomListen.

Xinmin Weekly recorded the grand occasion of Peking University in 2007. Some people listened to 11 years in the classroom of Peking University and toll hundreds of thousands of yuan (RMB, the same below, 100,000 yuan, about 19,000 yuan, about 19,000 yuanIn the MBA class of Xinyuan), there is also the boss -level attendance of Audi to listen to the class."Three religions and nine streams, all kinds of people, etc., as long as you enter the school gate and sit in the classroom, that is, ninety -nine, all of which are students."

A listening student interviewed: "There are almost any classroom in Peking University in the interview.Everyone is open for everyone.The popularity of the head colleges and universities is getting higher and higher, and more and more people have poured into these academic holy places. Later, they even became one of the tourist attractions in tour groups.However, after a large number of tourists poured in, problems such as campus resources were crowded, the environment was destroyed, and the learning environment was disturbed.

Tsinghua University is a well-known university in China,The Tsinghua Garden in the school is also one of the attractions where many people will go to check in.(Internet)

Since 2006, universities such as Peking University have begun reservation systems to restrict external personnel entering school.The outbreak of the crown disease in 2019 also allowed all universities to refuse external personnel.Not only did the students disappear, but the students and non -alumni groups of non -school students and non -alumni groups have become difficult.

Since July this year, Peking University,Many universities such as Tsinghua University and Nanjing University have opened the door and restarted to the four -year visit and appointment channel.However, the gate of colleges and universities still maintains strict security measures. Even the students of our school need to swipe their faces and cards.

In addition, the university open visits and appointments cannot meet the huge needs. As a result, the visiting ticket of Tsinghua and Peking University's open appointments "second light".The demand has spawned the "business" of paying for school.

The Peking University School reported on July 24 this year that some of the Peking University alumni made appointments for 139 people in the name of "research tour" to make appointments in the way of reservation.The cost is 1.5 million yuan from it.

Therefore, the gate of the gate of Peking University and the gatekeeper of the gatekeeper, for the people outside the school, have a way to get through if there is money and doorway.However, as a member of Peking University, Li Zhi wants to remove this wall, and I am more concerned about because the "one -size -fits -all" blockade symbolized by this wall and strictly guard against death ...

When Director of Director Ji, who dared to bully the bottom security guard, Li Zhi issued a document on December 5 to offend how many presidents, ministers, and deans of Peking University have been guilty, emphasizing that he is not afraid of offended the leadership of Peking University. "At Peking University, offendedThe leader is not a matter at all! Not how I don't fear it, but because of the tradition of Peking University. In the early years, who was afraid of Cai Yuanpei and Hu Shi?Children should deeply understand the truth here, and strive for everyone to be afraid to offend leaders, so that they can realize the real Chinese dream!Netizens of the door of thought, what they saw was probably that Peking University announced in 2011 that they would investigate the "key students" with extreme thoughts. Many Chinese university teachers have been suspended because they have been reported by the students in the classroom in the classroom.The phenomenon of adjustment or even fired.In the final analysis, the intangible walls that limited the thought, academic environment, and innovation are the challenges that all universities should respond.