As the Chinese economic recovery is weak, the Chinese social media Weibo rumored that bloggers needed to avoid expressing the decline of the economy.

The informed notice from "Weibo Finance" wrote: "Good teacher, please pay attention to the scale of the remarks in the near future, do not publish any remarks to sing the Chinese economy, thank the teacher for your cooperation!"

According to Bloomberg News on Friday (December 15), a user who received a notice confirmed this content to Bloomberg.

A Weibo user with more than 76,000 fans and focused on the financial field posted on Thursday (14th) in the evening that they were told in private that they would have to post less about the economic blog post, so they shared the sharingA video about American baseball.

Another Chinese market blogger with more than 16,000 fans also posted that when the notice was notified, the blogger did not touch the red line when he posted a blog, especially in areas related to finance and economics.

On the same day (15th) of the Ministry of National Security, the Ministry of National Security published an article entitled by the national security organs to resolutely build an articles in the WeChat public account.

The article writes that the current economic field has become an important battlefield in the competition. The complexity, severeness, and uncertainty of the external environment have risen, and further promoting the improvement of the economy's recovery is to overcome some internal difficulties, but alsoTo cope with some external challenges.

The article says that the "clichés" of various intentions to sing the Chinese economy have continued to appear. The essence is to try to build a "Chinese decline" "discourse trap" and "cognitive trap" with various false narratives to continueAttack and negate the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and roads, trying to target China's strategic surrounding.

The Ministry of National Security finally said that it will fight the "combination boxing" to maintain economic security, and resolutely combat illegal and criminal activities that punish the economic security field to harm national security.