Chinese President Xi Jinping after two days of Vietnam's trip to Vietnam two daysOn Thursday (December 14), I went to Guangxi Province adjacent to Vietnam.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Xi Jinping was investigated in Nanning, Guangxi on Thursday morning.

This is the third time that Xi Jinping has visited Guangxi since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and the first two inspections were in 2017 and 2021, respectively.This is also the first domestic survey of Xi Jinping after the Central Economic Work Conference.

According to CCTV reports on Friday (15th), Xi Jinping's sub-Guangxi inspection first went to China-ASEAN Information Port Co., Ltd. to conduct field investigations around China-ASEAN economic and trade cooperation and information construction application.

Xi Jinping's second stop went to the Pulong Community of Liangqing District, Nanning City to investigate the improvement of the urban community governance system.

The Pinglong Community was established in June 2017. It is located in the core area of ​​Nanning District, Guangxi Free Trade Zone, with an area of ​​5.8 square kilometers and a population of 68,300.