Following the capital of China, Shanghai has also optimized the house purchase policy and adjusted the minimum down payment ratio of the first house to not less than 30%.

Comprehensive Surging News and Securities Times reported that in order to better meet the rigid and improved housing needs of residents, Shanghai has optimized differentiated housing credit policies and adjusting ordinary housing standards since Friday (December 15).

Under the new policy, the lower limit of the interest rate of the first set of housing commercial personal housing loans in Shanghai is adjusted to not less than less than the corresponding time limit loan market quotation interest rate (LPR) to reduce 10 basis points, and the minimum down payment ratio is adjusted to not lowIn 30%; the lower limit of the interest rate of the two sets of housing commercial personal housing loans was adjusted to not less than less than the corresponding period LPR plus 30 basis points, and the minimum down payment ratio was adjusted to not less than 50%.

At the same time, in order to support the promotion of the high -quality development of the "five new cities" and the key areas of the North -South transformation, promote the integration of production and cities, and the balance of residence in the port of the free trade zone, as well as Jiading, Qingpu, Songjiang,, and Songjiang,,, Chongjiang, Songjiang,,, and Songjiang, and Songjiang,,, and Songjiang,,,, Songjiang,,,,,,, to Songjiang, Songjiang,,,,,,,The six administrative districts of Fengxian, Baoshan, and Jinshan implemented differentiated policies. The lower limit of the interest rate of the two sets of housing commercial personal housing loans was adjusted to not less than less than the corresponding period LPR plus 20 basis points. The minimum down payment ratio was adjusted to not less than 40%.

According to the minimum down payment ratio and lower limit of interest rates determined by the banking financial institutions based on Shanghai's market interest rate pricing and self -discipline mechanism, combined with factors such as the operating status of the institution and customer risk status to reasonably determine the specific down payment for each loan per loan.Proportion and interest rate level.

This new policy also adjusted the general housing standards of Shanghai, which raised the construction area and price standards of the general house, and the building area increased from 140 square meters to 144 square meters.

The five departments of Beijing jointly issued a notice on the adjustment and optimization of ordinary housing standards and personal housing loan policies on Thursday (December 14) to uniform Beijing's first house down payment ratio to 30%.The lowest ratio is 40%.