The Chief of Staff of the Philippine Armed Forces, ascended to the Renai Reef (the Philippines called the Ayunjin Reef) "beach" warship, and the United States called on China to stop related blocking operations.December 15) responded that the Philippines deliberately provoked and made hype, which severely damaged the peace and stability of the South China Sea.Individual foreign countries have encouraged the challenge, stirring the wind, and the poor heart.

China's "Ministry of Defense" issued the above statement in the form of reporters.The statement mentioned that the Chief of Staff of the Philippine Armed Forces and the Philippine ships that had conflicted with China on December 10.

Zhang Xiaogang said in the statement that the Philippine Fang repeatedly dissuaded and warned by the Chinese side on December 10, insisting on sending the ships to break into the near sea of ​​the Renai Reef in the Nansha Islands in China, in an attempt to illegally "sit on the beach" of the Renai ReefTransport building materials.During the period, the Philippine ship deliberately "touched porcelain" and crashed into a Chinese maritime police ship in a dangerous way to cause scratch.Disposal professional, restraint, reasonable, and legal.The Chinese army had proposed to the Philippines solemnly, expressed strong protests.

Zhang Xiaogang emphasized that China has unsatisfactory sovereignty over the Nansha Islands including Renai Reef and its nearby waters.The Philippine side deliberately provoked and conspired, seriously violated the spirit of the behavior of all parties in the South China Sea, and severely damaged the peace and stability of the South China Sea.Individual foreign countries have encouraged the challenge, stirring the wind, and the poor heart.China urged the country to immediately stop infringement and provocations to avoid further upgrading and deterioration of the situation.China will continue to take necessary measures to resolutely safeguard territorial sovereignty and marine rights.

The China Sea Police Station issued a notice twice on December 10 that two Philippine maritime ships, a business ship and a shipbuilding ship broke into the Nansha Islands Renai Reef, in an attempt to illegally fabricate illegal"Sitting on the beach" warships transported materials, and the Chinese maritime police took "control measures" for these vessels.

The statement of the Western Philippines National Special Forces stated that when the Philippine vessels were executed with conventional supply and rotation missions, they were "harassing and intercepted" by Chinese maritime ships to "deliberately spread falsely through official channels through official channels.Information and distorting facts indicate serious concerns. "

According to the Russian satellite news agency quoted the Philippine armed forces, the Philippine Armed Forces Chief of Staff Romeo Brawner and other senior officials visited the "Horse Horse in Renai Reef on December 10th on December 10"Dreishan" warship.

Sources said that Blauna and the commander of the Western Command of the Philippines, Alberto Carlos, and a team of military officers visited the soldiers on the "beach" warship.