Chen Yongyu, the former deputy secretary of the Party Group and vice chairman of the Xiamen CPPCC in the Fujian Provincial CPPCC, was accused of engaging in power transactions and illegally receiving huge property.

The official website of the State Supervision Commission of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China reported the above news on Friday (December 15).A few days ago, the Fujian Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection conducted an investigation and investigation of Chen Yongyu's serious violations of discipline and law.

The report said that Chen Yongyu lost his ideals and convictions, abandoned his original mission, was unfaithful and unrealistic about the CCP, and worked as a consciousness to fight for organizational review.Do not report personal matters in accordance with regulations, and seek personnel interests for others in violation of regulations.

The notification also pointed out that Chen Yongyu was not losing to official, and obtained a large amount of returns through private loans in violation of the regulations, and engaged in power transactions;, Enterprise operations, engineering contracting, etc., and illegally receive huge property.

According to the report, Chen Yongyu seriously violated the CCP's political discipline, organizational discipline, and integrity discipline, constituting serious duties and suspected bribery crimes.It should be dealt with seriously and should be dealt with seriously.

According to relevant regulations, after studying and reporting to the Fujian Provincial Party Committee for approval by the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Communist Party of China, Chen Yongyu was decided to expel party membership;Essence

Public information shows that Chen Yongyu, 62, has worked in Fujian for a long time.The secretary of the Xiang'an District Party Committee of Xiamen City and the vice chairman of the Xiamen CPPCC.

Chen Yongyu was removed from office in January 2022, and was reported in July this year.