It is impacted by factors such as weak macro -environment and liquidity pressure. The performance of China Public Real Estate Investment Trust Fund (REITs) has performed far less than other large categories of assets in the past year. At present, 90 % of REITS products have fallen below the issue price.

Bloomberg Newslette Friday (December 15) quoted the CSI Index Company Data Newsletter.It is 14%and 2.93%negative.

Bloomberg summary data also shows that among the 29 public offering REITs products in China, only Jingbao REIT, Lingang REIT, and Dongjiu Reit have maintained a small positive return since listing, and the rest have been broken, of which, of which, of which, of which, the rest have been broken, of which, of which, of which, the rest have been broken, of which, of which, the rest have been broken, of which, of which, the rest have been broken, of which, of which, the rest have been broken, of which, of which, of which, the rest have been broken, of which, of which, the rest have been broken, of which, of which, of which, have been broken, of which, of which, of which, the rest have been broken, of which, of which, the rest have been broken. Among themHuaxia China Communications High -speed REIT has fallen by nearly 50 % since its launch.

China's first batch of public offerings REITs came out in mid -2021. Later, due to favorable policies and product scarcity attributes, investors were preferred, and gradually expanded from the infrastructure field to new energy and consumer infrastructure.In the context of China's weak economic recovery and the downturn in the real estate industry, REITs has continued to weaken in the secondary market.

It is reported that although the launch of Chinese public offerings has been launched for more than two years, they are still in poor liquidity in the secondary market.According to data from the Shanghai and Shenzhen Exchange, the average daily turnover of REITs listed on the two cities has been less than 400 million yuan (RMB S $ 75 million) since December.

The founding partner of Yuntai Capital Fu Lichun analyzed: "The situation of the capital market, the real economy, and the specific items invested, and various factors determine the value of REITs. From these factors, it is still compared with REITs.Be careful.