After 12 consecutive months of launching medium and long -term funds to the market for 12 consecutive months, the Central Bank of China continued to invest 800 billion yuan in the last month of this year through mid -term lending facilities (MLF) (MLF)Create records the highest monthly.

The People's Bank of China issued an announcement on Friday (December 15) that in order to maintain the influence of short -term factors such as the liquidity of the banking system, reasonable and abundant liquidity, hedging government bonds issuance, etc.Carry out the 50 billion yuan seven -day period of open market reverse repurchase operations and 1450 billion yuan 1 -year MLF operation. The bid interest rates are 1.80%and 2.50%, respectively, all of which are the same as the previous period.

Hedie on Friday (15th), 650 billion yuan of one -year MLF expired. The central bank has invested 800 billion yuan through MLF this time, which is the largest net offer for recording a single month.

This month's MLF interest rate is 2.5%, which is the same as last month, which remains unchanged for the fourth consecutive month.

The People's Bank of China has continued MLF for 13 consecutive months.Since the beginning of this year, the MLF interest rate has been reduced by 25 basis points.

At the Central Economic Work Conference that ended on Tuesday (12), the decision -making level set the monetary policy next year "flexible and moderate, accurate and effective".In terms of currency supply, it maintains a reasonable liquidity, and the scale of social financing, the amount of money supply are matched with the expected target of economic growth and price level.

Bloomberg quoted the French Industrial Bank analysts that a large number of MLF injection seemed to indicate that the central bank's deposit reserve rate was less likely to be reduced in the short term, and the central bank may still put foreign exchange stability in the first place, and it will not adopt it.Radical stimulus measures.