LeTV's founder Jia Yueting and LeTV Holdings (Beijing) Co., Ltd. refused to fulfill the obligation to determine the effectiveness of the effective legal documents because of their ability to perform, and was once again listed by the court as the executed person (Lao Lai).

Tianyancha APP shows that the Shanxi Provincial Higher People's Court made the above decision on Wednesday (December 13).In addition, the equity of approximately 920 million (RMB, the same below, about 170 million yuan) holding LeTV held by Jia Yueting was frozen again because of the case.

The case process shows that the case involves Shanxi Yaoxin Financial Sales Co., Ltd. and LeTV Holdings (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Beijing Baiding New Century Business Management Co., Ltd. and other related loan contract disputes.

In November this year, LeTV Holdings (Beijing) Co., Ltd. and Jia Yueting were forced to implement more than 150 million yuan.

At present, at least four "Lao Lai" information in Jia Yueting's name.

In August of this year, Jia Yueting also refused to fulfill the obligation to perform effective legal documents due to his ability to perform his ability. He was listed by the Beijing Financial Court as the executor (Lao Lai).The case involved Jia Yueting was fined 241 million yuan by the China Securities Regulatory Commission. Previously, Jia Yueting had been enforced for the case and was later limited to high consumption.