After China ’s open -country citizens go to China, they will reduce the visa fee to China to 75%of the current cost.

The official Weibo "Consular Consulate in Train" on Friday (December 8), the official Weibo of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, stated that as a temporary measure, the Chinese embassy and consulate abroad from December 11th to next year will beOn December 31, 75%of the current charging standards were charged to China visa fee.

Sources said that this is a measure that the Chinese government has continued to optimize foreigners' visas and entry policies in China after the "Class B tube" of crown diseases, and promoting the exchanges between Chinese and foreign personnel.

The Chinese Embassy in Singapore also issued a notice on Friday, announcing the visa fee of the phased deductible to China, the visa fees for Singapore citizens will be transferred to S $ 19 (the same below), the second time, the second time, the second time, the second timeThe entry is 26 yuan, multiple entry into 34 yuan in half a year, and more than 49 yuan for more than a year.

截至12月8日,已有多个中国驻外使馆发布消息宣布对赴华签证费进行调减,包括泰国、日本、韩国、马来西亚、墨西哥、阿塞拜疆、越南、巴林、Kyrgyzstan, Cambodia, Fiji, Kazakhstan, the Philippines and other countries.