The Volkswagen Group of Germany said that external audit institutions entrusted by the company did not find that Volkswagen's factories in Xinjiang showed signs of forced labor.

Comprehensive German Voice of Germany and Reuters reported that the Volkswagen Group issued a statement on Tuesday (December 5) announced the results of the above audit.Inspection of Xinjiang joint venture factory.

Leining, the founder of the Eighth Evaluted Audit Institution Germany, and the former German human rights commissioner, said that the company inspected the labor contract and wage payment of all 197 employees in the past three years, and conducted 40 interviewsAnd freely inspect the factory, "We can't find any signs or evidence of forced labor among employees."

Leining said that the two Chinese lawyers provided support at the scene.He said that the results of the aforementioned audit are limited to the joint venture factory of Volkswagen and SAIC in Xinjiang, and admitted that "the situation of China and Xinjiang, and the challenges faced by collecting audit data are well known."

The results of the above audit have ended the criticism of Volkswagen's factories in Xinjiang for a long time.However, Volkswagen's shareholder Union Investment and Deka Investment require Volkswagen to check the business in China on Wednesday (December 6) to ensure the security of the supply chain and comply with human rights law.

Henrik Pontzen, who is in charge of sustainable development at Youlian investment, told Reuters that the announcement of the announcement was a step towards the correct direction, but "Audit in China must never stop at a stop at the time"One -time task".

SAIC Volkswagen, which is jointly operated by Volkswagen and China SAIC Group, opened the Xinjiang Urumqi plant in 2013, which was criticized for being questioned by questioning human rights.Forced by external pressure, Oliver Blume, CEO of Volkswagen Group, announced an independent audit of the factory in June this year.

According to Volkswagen Company, the Xinjiang plant currently only has about 197 employees, and is only responsible for preparing for the delivery of vehicles.The factory has stopped car production, and the number of employees has also been reduced from 650 to the current scale.

In response to the results of the audit, the Chinese official media has published a social review article on Thursday (December 7) that Volkswagen's official answers were obtained on this issue in accordanceThe United States and Western political circles and public opinion are cold. "Because this answer is not what these people want to see ... they don't want the truth, in fact they are very afraid of the truth."