Hou Youyi, a candidate for the Kuomintang President of Taiwan in the wild, promised that after being elected, the joint cabinet will be formed to allow the talents of all parties to be in power together.

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe Daily and Central Radio reported that Hou Youyi and Candidate Candidate Zhao Shaokang accepted an exclusive interview with Dongsen News on Wednesday (December 6). The show was on Thursday (December 7)Broadcast at night.

The equation of the Kuomintang's victory is "to win in the north, the central region to win, and the southern small losses."Attempt.

Hou Youyi said that although the Kuomintang did not have the mayor of the county in the south, the local leaders of the Blue Camp in the south stood up.He has the confidence to win Tainan.

The fairness of the five independent institutions such as the party ’s party property association, promoting the transformation of the Justice Committee, and the National Communications Communication Commission (NCC) are questioned by the host.Promote transfer.

Hou Youyi appealed that the ruling party "do not use the facts of the transformation justice (name) to fight the facts", and cannot create a unit, and master the independent organs with political ideology or one party.Disposal.

As for how to ensure that independent organs can operate independently, Hou Youyi promised that after he was elected, he would form a joint cabinet to allow the talents of all parties to be in power together.Color unite in Taiwan.

Ke Wenzhe, a candidate for the President of the People's Party, also promised to form a joint government after being elected, and repeatedly emphasized that Taiwan must get rid of the "blue -green mud".

When talking about cross -strait issues, Hou Youyi emphasized that he would "do not let the fighter cross the (strait) midline" and go all out to make the two sides of the strait stabilize, so that the problem can really solve the problem.

He said that he and Zhao Shaokang would act in accordance with the "Republic of China" and regulations on the People's Relations of the Cross -Strait.… Against one country, two systems, opposition to Taiwan independence, and adhering to democracy and freedom.

He emphasized that Taiwan and mainland China are "to be in harmony, not to resist", and to be in contact with the most basic folk level.

Hou Youyi said, no matter how China and the United States talk, he always believes that Taiwan will be self -reliance and reduce hostility with the other side, and cooperate with the United States and the Free Democratic Alliance countries to stabilize the Indo -Pacific region.

Zhao Shaokang said that the two sides of the strait should work hard, in the end, each system, and respect each other's system. "After 30 or 50 years, take a look, don't worry."