The Bank of China data shows that foreign investment has been buying Chinese bonds for nine consecutive months.Yuan).

Comprehensive Xinhua News Agency and Observer reported that the Bank of China has notified that since the third quarter of this year, foreign institutions have grown rapidly.It reaches 250 billion yuan.

Data show that as of the end of October this year, a total of 1,110 overseas institutions have admitted to the Chinese bond market. Since 2017, an average of about 100 new markets have been added each year since 2017.These foreign capital covers more than 70 countries including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Singapore, Australia, etc.Overseas institutions hold a total of 3.3 trillion yuan in Chinese bonds, an increase of nearly 200%over the end of 2017.

The Bank of China said that medium and long -term investors such as overseas sovereign institutions have long been optimistic about the Chinese bond market for a long time, accounting for 70 % of the debt volume; about 90 of the top 100 asset management institutions in the world have enteredInvestment in Chinese bond market.

The Bank of China said that since the third quarter, a series of stable economic policy effects have gradually emerged, endogenous power has continued to increase, and the situation of recovery has become more obvious.More prominent.

Due to the slowdown in economic growth and the downturn in the real estate market impacting fiscal revenue, the scale of bond issuance of Chinese local governments continued to rise.According to data from the Ministry of Finance of China, in the first 10 months of this year, 8.47 trillion yuan of local government bonds issued nationwide, a record high.

The international rating agency Moody's Moody's on Tuesday (December 5) announced the lowest outlook of China's credit rating, the reason is the expectations of slower economic growth and the risk of the real estate market.