The Central Bank of China believes that the Chinese economy is growing from high speed to medium -speed, but the space for economic growth is significantly narrowed, and the level of potential growth is returning.

Comprehensive China News and Sina Finance reports, Wang Yiming, deputy director of the China International Economic Exchange Center and former deputy director of the Development Research Center of the State Council, delivered a speech at the 2023 Global Wealth Management Forum on Thursday (December 7).

Wang Yiming said that the supply and demand of the Chinese real estate market is changing significantly, and the traditional manufacturing industry also enters the platform period after Dafeng. The space of infrastructure, especially the construction of large -scale infrastructure is gradually narrowing, and drivers.The traditional momentum of China's high -speed growth is slowing, and the Chinese economy is converging from high -speed growth to medium -speed.

Wang Yiming said that if the economic growth rate is divided into the upper half from a high -speed to medium speed, "it can be said that it is now entering the second half."He explained that the main characteristics of the first half were the decline in economic growth year by year, and at the same time, accompanied by profound changes in the economic structure, and the main task of the second half was to improve the quality and efficiency of economic growth, and at the same time, effectively preventing and resolving the transformation in the maintenance of economic stability.Various risks that may occur during the process.

As for how to excavate the new economic momentum of China's economic economy, Wang Yiming said that it should cultivate new momentum of economic growth from five aspects: scientific and technological innovation, industrial upgrading, urban development, green transformation, and expanding opening up and promoting high -quality development.Scientific and technological innovation is the most important new kinetic energy in the future, because the key to increasing the productivity of full factor is scientific and technological innovation.

He believes that from the perspective of economic growth and growth quality, China's economic growth has slowed significantly, but the quality and efficiency of growth have not fundamentally improved.The marginal benefits of traditional steady growth and expansion policies are decreasing. "The development of our economic development cannot follow the old road, and a new road must be opened in the process of transformation."