In response to the restrictions on the export of semiconductors and cutting -edge technology in the United States, a spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce He Yadong responded at a routine press conference on the 7th that these measures could not stop China's development and growth, and only made American companies lose China’s China.The market harms its own interests.China will pay close attention to the trends and influences of related measures in the United States, and resolutely safeguard their rights and interests.

At the press conference, He Yadong recently called on US Minister of Commerce Raymond to take measures to limit China to obtain semiconductors and cutting -edge technologies, and the United States will restrict Chinese enterprises and battery components from next yearA series of external concerns responded.

In response to Raymond's remarks, He Yadong said that the heads of state between China and the United States agreed to "responsible and control the competitive factors in bilateral relations", and hoped that the relevant US departments would be with us to effectively implement China and the United States.The important consensus reached by the head of the head of state.China has repeatedly pointed out that the concept of generalization of the United States' generalization of national security, abuse of export control and restrictions on two -way investment in China, destroy market rules and international economic and trade order, and threaten the stability of the global industrial chain supply chain. We resolutely oppose this.These measures cannot stop China's development and growth, which will only cause American companies to lose China's market and damage their own interests.China will pay close attention to the trends and influences of related measures in the United States, and resolutely safeguard their rights and interests.

In response to the US government's release of the implementation rules of inflation reduction bills, electric vehicle subsidy policies, exclude Chinese enterprises' products from the scope of subsidies, He Yadong said that this is a typical "non -market -oriented policy and practice".The U.S. discrimination subsidy policy violates the basic principles of the WTO, seriously disrupts international trade and investment, and damages the stability of the global industrial chain supply chain.At present, many WTO members, including China, have expressed serious concerns about the above policies on the World Trade Organization Council.

He said that in order to establish a trade barrier, the United States hindered fair competition, and it was harmful to the development of electric vehicle technology and industrial development.The United States should respect the principles of market, strictly abide by the rules of the WTO, correct discrimination subsidy errors, and create a fair, fair and non -discriminated business environment.China will continue to evaluate the implementation of the US measures and take necessary measures to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests.