bilateral economic and trade relations have become the focus of China and EU leaders. China hopes that the European Union will be cautious to introduce restrictive economic and trade policies, and the EU requires China to resolve the increasingly expanding bilateral trade deficit.

Li Qiang, Prime Minister of the State Council of China, Chairman of the European Council, Michelle, and the Chairman of the European Commission, Feng Delin, Feng Delin, on Thursday (December 7) to co -host the China -EU leadership meeting in Beijing.This is the first time that China Europe has resumed offline leaders since 2019.

According to China CCTV report, Li Qiang said at the meeting that China opposes violation of the basic standards of market economy and puts generalized economic and trade issues generally politically and pan -security; I hope that the EU will be cautiously introduced to restrict economic and trade policies and the use of trade relief measures to maintain trade and trade and use of trade relief measures.The investment market is open.

Feng Delin pointed out at a press conference after the meeting that the European Union's trade deficit with China has doubled to nearly 400 billion euros (S $ 577.7 billion) in the past two years.Excess, etc., "such imbalances are unsustainable."

She said that European leaders will not tolerate long -term imbalance between bilateral trade. "We reached a consensus with Chinese official chairman: bilateral trade should be balanced."

When the Chinese official met Michelle and Feng Delin on the morning, China and Europe said that China and the European Union must be partners for mutually beneficial cooperation, continuously strengthen political mutual trust, consolidate strategic consensus, consolidate interest bonds, eliminate various interference, strengthen dialogue and cooperation, and common togetherCopy global challenges.

China officially emphasized that the two sides should establish correct awareness, enhance understanding of mutual trust, pay attention to confidence and conservation, and develop relationships. "You cannot see each other as opponents because of different systems."Fight".

In the past three years, Sino -European relations have continued to be cold due to issues such as human rights, the Russian and Ukraine War, and the tensions of bilateral economic and trade tensions have also intensified this year. European leaders have stated that they must risk the economy of China;The anti -subsidy survey of the car triggered strong dissatisfaction in China.

Michelle disclosed at a press conference that the two sides discussed issues such as economic and trade relations, climate change, artificial intelligence and the Russian and Ukraine War at the meeting.He said that the European Union will seek "stability and mutual benefit" relationship with China, but also advocates European values ​​such as human rights and democracy. "We will not give up encouraging China to stop the Ukrainian war."

As of the time of the draft, the two sides have not issued a joint statement.

Yu Hong, a senior researcher at the East Asia Institute of Singapore National University, pointed out in the Lianhe Zaobao that although China and the European Union are still difficult to reach consensus on issues such as trade, the two sides still release their willingness to jointly solve problems at the meeting. ThisLaure the foundation for subsequent negotiations and consultations.

Yu Hong observed that Feng Delin and Michelle both emphasized that the European Union did not intend to decide with China."This shows that Central and EUs are aware of the importance of each other, and they hope to further cooperate in areas with common interests in both parties such as climate change and renewable energy."

Zhu Feng, Executive Dean of the School of International Relations of Nanjing University, believes that in the era of globalization, China and Europe need to jointly maintain multilateral trade based on the rules of the WTO, so that free trade can be better continued."No matter what differences between the geopolitical concepts and values, the two parties have the needs of finding the maximum common interests."

On the eve of the meeting of China -EU leaders, local media such as the Italian Evening Post quoted sources that Italy had officially notified China to withdraw from the "Belt and Road" initiative, which further highlighted the challenges facing China -Europe relations.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin responded to relevant questions at a routine press conference on Thursday that the "Belt and Road" proposed for 10 years, and the results have benefited more than 150 countries."China resolutely opposes the discreditation and destruction of co -construction of the co -construction of the 'Belt and Road' cooperation, opposes camp confrontation, manufacturing splitting."