A rumor of the game business of the game business of the byte beating, and the relevant person in charge of the daylight year confirmed on Monday (November 27) that it would indeed be contracted by large -scale business: for the launch of the launchThe well -performed games will seek divestiture in the case of ensuring operation; for projects that have not yet launched, except for a small number of innovative projects and related technical projects, they will be shut down.

Comprehensive surging news and Zhongxin Jingwei reports, there have been rumors recently that the game business of byte beating will carry out large -scale layoffs.The personnel will be abolished.Games such as crystal nuclei, the heavy weight of the planet, and the navigation king who have been launched and have high weights will remain normal.

The relevant person in charge of the day and night made the above response on Monday.The person in charge also said that the game business will indeed have direction and organizational adjustment, which will focus more on the exploration of some innovative games and related technologies.But at the same time, it will also do the continuous operation of the online products to fully protect the rights and interests of players.

Established in 2019, it is the game R & D and distribution business brand of bytes.The crystal nucleus launched in July this year is the first "explosion" of the self -research game of the day and light. Third -party data shows that the first week of the crystal nuclear launch reached nearly 70 million yuan on the iOS platformYuan).

A person close to byte beating revealed that the decision was repeatedly discussed by the business leader Yan and the byte beating CEO Liang Rubo for a long time.Liang Rubo believes that although the game business has achieved a certain amount of results, the byte games have pursued "large and comprehensive" in the past few years.On the project.

Earlier this year, Liang Rubo said at the internal annual meeting that the goal of the new year was "focusing" and "pragmatic".For information platforms and e -commerce for the main business, we must strengthen investment; for emerging businesses such as games, education, PICO, "must have imagination and keep your mind."