Malaysia Airlines MH370 passenger plane was lost from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing in 2014. In 2015, the Malaysian Civil Aviation Administration announced that the passenger plane had crashed, and it was presented that nearly 240 people on the aircraft had killed.The passenger's passenger's claims have a claim on Monday (November 27) in the Beijing court.

According to China CCTV News, Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 is a Boeing 777 aircraft of the former Malaysian airline. On March 8, 2014, it was lost from Kuala Lumpur from Malaysia to Beijing. There were 239 flights on the flight.Passengers and crew members, 154 of which are Chinese passengers.

On January 29, 2015, the Malaysian Civil Aviation Administration announced that the MH370 had crashed and preserved that 239 people on the aircraft had been killed.This aviation transportation damage liability dispute was tried on Monday in the Chaoyang District Court of Beijing.

It is understood that the family members of more than 40 passengers filed a lawsuit. The case will be tried in the Beijing Chaoyang Court from November 27th to December 6th.

Zhang Qihuai, the agent lawyer of passengers' family members, introduced that there are five defendants in this case, namely Malaysia Airlines, (called Laoma Airlines), Malaysia International Airlines (also known as New Malaysia Airlines), and Boeing, Aircraft Engine Manufacturer, Britain, Britain and Germany Andlian Insurance Group.

In the claims, the families of more than 40 passengers are not the same, but they are mainly concentrated at two points. One is to find out the truth of the mH370 flight loss incident in case trial, and the other is the issue of compensation.It is understood that the biggest difficulty in the trial of this case is the identification of the truth of the incident.

Zhang Qihuai said: "This time we put forward the defendant as the responsibility party, so he has the obligation to verify that he has no responsibility./P>

It is understood that the civil compensation amount raised by passengers' family members is between 10 million and 80 million yuan (RMB, the same below, about 1.87 million to $ 14.98 million).Different, a large part of the compensation costs are mental damage comfort, with a height of 30 million yuan.The families of more than 110 passengers have reached a settlement with five defendants and signed a settlement agreement.