As the war in northern Myanmar was fierce, more than a hundred vehicle teams that entered Myanmar from China were burned last week.It is also said that the military is always preparing for all kinds of emergencies.

Some Chinese military scholars have suggested that in response to the phenomenon of serious harm to Chinese citizens in northern Myanmar's long -term smuggling, drug trafficking and telecommunications fraud, the Chinese army can try to cross the border to fight hostile groups when necessary.

According to the People's Liberation Army reported on Sunday (November 26), the actual combat training training of the southern theater on November 25th key inspection of the war zone troops to quickly maneuverate, border control, firepower strikes and other combat capabilities.

It is reported that at 9 o'clock on November 25, the southwestern Yunnan border, with the commander's order, the training officially started.Participating in the troops quickly move to the training area, and the partitions are divided into direction and peaks.Under the unified command of the theater, each participating force was organized in accordance with combat, system attacks, collaborative operations, and planning organizational border seal control and other practical exercises.At the same time, multiple firepower strike groups quickly enter the preset positions, and accurately strikes the targets of the opportunities in batches and multi -directional firepower.

The People's Liberation Army made a comment on Sunday that resolutely defending national sovereignty, border stability, and the safety of people's lives and property is the responsibilities and mission of the people's army.The actual training training held on the side of the China -Myanmar border will further strengthen the sense of worry, crisis, and mission consciousness of officers and soldiers, comprehensively test and enhance the ability of pipeline edges to ensure that the mission task can be effectively fulfilled under a order order, and the mission task can be effectively fulfilledEssence

The official website of the Yunnan Provincial Government issued an announcement on November 24 that the exercise area includes Mang City, Ruili City, Gengma County and other places.During the exercise, it is strictly forbidden to enter the exercise area warning area without authorization. It is strictly forbidden to enter the exercise airspace in various types of aircraft. It is strictly forbidden to shoot the operation of the army without permission.

Obviously, the action of the Chinese army is a warning to the parties of northern Myanmar, that is, it is strictly forbidden to spread the fire to the Chinese territory and prevent war from the fire that can cause a large number of refugees to pour into China.

Laun State in northern Myanmar borders China. The main residents of Langbang belong to a minority in Myanmar. It has always maintained a higher independence with the Myanmar government and has its own armed forces.For a long time, in northern Myanmar regions, armed forces in different places have controlled real power. In some places, they have "supported the army with poison" and "protecting the poison with the army". In recent years, they have become the denomination of telecommunications "R = Nofollow Target = _blank> Let Chinese residents be damaged .

In recent months, China has urged all parties to be in Myanmar to severely crack down on telecommunications fraud activities in northern Myanmar and support the northern Myanmar forces The main members of the Ming Xuechang family or committed suicide , or was transferred to China.At present, more than 30,000 electricity -related personnel have been repatriated to China.

On October 27th, the local armed Kokang Alliance held up the banner of cracking down on telecommunications fraud, and continuously captured several strongholds of the Burmese army in northern Myanmar. At present, it is attacking the Myanmar city old street on the Chinese and Myanmar border.It is reported that the Kokang Allied forces' crackdown on electrical fraud have been acquiescence by China. They also "picked up" from the forest "the 95 -type assault rifle or even drones made from China.

But the Myanmar military government spokesman Zo Minyong said that the Burmese party has received a notice on the Chinese army's exercise at the China -Myanmar border."The military relations between China and Myanmar are firm, and the two armies are friendly and strengthened."

Because telecommunications fraud brought huge losses to Chinese residents, it also hurt the image of the Chinese government. Chinese public opinion hopes that officials will continue to increase their actions and completely eliminate the electronic fraud dens in northern Myanmar.

Wang Yunfei, a well -known military scholar in China, called on social media that China should further emancipate their minds and send troops to the country in a timely manner on the premise of respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of neighboring countries, eliminating the interests of Chinese citizens and affecting domestic security.Essence

Wang Yunfei said that the so -called respect for the sovereignty of neighboring countries is to notify the neighboring government in advance.The troops immediately returned to the country.

Wang Yunfei also said that outbound blowing operations abound internationally, such as the United States cracking down on Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Turkey's exit combat the Kurdish workers' party forces, India's outbound anti -Kashmir anti -Indian armed forces, and so on.If China can go out of the country to crack down on this way, it will not only eliminate the root causes of smuggling, drug trafficking, and electrical fraud, but also improve the ability of the PLA's overseas operations.In the past, China insisted on not being stationed abroad and died abroad. Later, China sent a large number of peacekeepers to be stationed in other countries. There was no adverse reaction internationally internationally. It was also welcomed by many countries.

Wang Yunfei's suggestion received a lot of netizens' likes, showing that many people support him.

However, Chinese officials have always emphasized not to interfere with other domestic politics.In China, the current war in northern Myanmar still belongs to Myanmar's internal affairs, and the PLA is unlikely.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning said on November 20 that since the conflict between northern Myanmar, China has always played a constructive role in its own way, actively persuaded and promoted talks, and promoted the people of all parties to the people's interests.Stop fire and stop the war, solve differences through dialogue negotiation, and avoid upgrading of the situation.China hopes that the relevant parties will go with China to promote Myanmar to return to peace and stability as soon as possible.

But if the situation in northern Myanmar is completely out of control, the trend of refugees will influx into China, or in the future of northern Myanmar to continue to act as a "paradise" for charging fraud and drug trafficking, Wang Yun's proposal will get more public opinion support.