The General Administration of Radio and Television of the China Radio and Television has continued to carry out network micro -drama governance since last year. In response to some of the vulgar and homogeneous problems, more than 20,000 micro -short dramas have been offline.

According to CCTV News on Sunday (November 26), according to the definition of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, micro -short drama, the full name of the network micro -short drama, refersLeft and right, with relatively clear themes and main lines, more continuous and complete storylines.

Reported that compared with the traditional episodes, micro -short dramas have the characteristics of short, exquisite, fast rhythm, and rapid updates.A whole micro -drama, so it has won more and more users.

The data released by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television showed that the number of micro -drama in 2021 was 398, and the number of filing in 2022 was close to 2,800 units, an increase of 600%year -on -year.

It is reported that some surveys show that in the first half of 2023, China ’s online platforms were launched in more than 480 micro -short dramas, which has exceeded the number of years in 2022, which is equivalent to the average day of a day.

The single set duration of the micro -short drama, the low production cost.Some micro -drama episodes are one minute, and the shooting cost only costs 5,000 yuan (RMB, the same below, the same, S $ 957), but the investment is small and the effectiveness is effective.

The monthly recharge amount of the micro -short drama industry has increased from 40 million yuan in June this year to 60 million yuan in October.According to industry data forecasts, it is expected to reach 25 billion to 30 billion yuan in 2023.

There are also many problems with micro -drama showing a well -sprayed growth.On the consumer complaint platform, many netizens reported that in the applet, micro -short dramas encountered false propaganda but complained.

Some users say that they click related links on a short video platform, but they need to jump to another social platform. After recharge, they find that they are deceived.Essence

Another netizen reported on the complaint platform that brushing micro -short dramas on a short video platform, online advertising declared "9.9 yuan to unlock the complete works of the show"top up.Not only the phenomenon of infringing consumer's legitimate rights and interests is frequent, but some micro -short dramas have reportedly reported that the content is vulgar and there are adverse values ​​orientation. This has also attracted the attention of the regulatory authorities.