People familiar with the matter revealed that Chinese President Xi Jinping will go to Shanghai for three days on Tuesday (November 28).This is the first time that Xi Jinping went to Shanghai Television for two months in Shanghai for two months in Shanghai in 2021.

Bloomberg reported the above news on Monday (27th).

The report quoted several people who are not well -known, saying that Xi Jinping will inspect the Shanghai Futures Exchange and several technology companies.It is reported not to specify which companies Xi Jinping will inspect.

A person familiar with the matter revealed that Xi Jinping will temporarily stay in Shanghai for three days. It is expected that Shanghai officials will encourage Shanghai officials to boost market liberalization to promote cross -border trade and capital circulation.

Xi Jinping's trip coincides with the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone.Earlier this month, Xi Jinping vowed to improve the business environment in China for foreign investors at the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization (APEC) summit held in San Francisco, USA.