The People's Bank of China, the General Administration of Financial Supervision, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the State Foreign Exchange Bureau, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Finance, and the National Federation of Industry and Commerce have recently issued a joint issuance of financial support measuresNotice of helping the development of the private economy (hereinafter referred to as the notice), and proposed 25 specific measures to support the private economy, including reasonable meetings to meet the financial needs of private housing enterprises.

According to the People's Bank of China on Monday (November 27), the goal and priorities of financial services to private enterprises are clarified.In terms of total volume, by formulating the annual service goals of private enterprises and improving the weight of the relevant business of private enterprises in performance assessment, we will increase financial support for private enterprises and gradually increase the proportion of private enterprise loans.In terms of structure, we will increase support for key areas such as scientific and technological innovation, "specialty new", green low -carbon, and industrial foundation reconstruction projects, as well as the support of private small and medium -sized enterprises.

Notify the emphasis on the characteristics of private enterprises' financing demand, and focus on unblocking diversified financing channels such as credit, bonds, and equity.Banking financial institutions should increase their support for the first loan and credit loan, actively carry out the industrial chain supply chain financial services, take the initiative to do a good job of continuing services of private enterprises, do not blindly suspend loans, loans, loans, and break loans.Promote development and prevent risk.Optimize the registration mechanism of private enterprise debt financing instruments, give full play to the role of private enterprise bond financing support tools, and expand the scale of private enterprise bond financing.Practical policies such as doing a good job of the current financial support of the stable and healthy development of the real estate market have been implemented, maintaining the stable financing channels such as credit and bonds to reasonably meet the financial needs of private real estate enterprises.

The notice also said that it is necessary to encourage and guide institutional investors to actively allocate private enterprise bonds and increase investment in private enterprise bonds.Support private enterprise listing financing and mergers and acquisitions, give full play to the role of regional equity markets and equity investment funds on the support services of private enterprises, and expand the scale of equity financing of high -quality private enterprises.Increase the supply of foreign exchange facilitation policies and services, support private enterprises to “go global” and “introduce” by improving the level of revenue and expenditure facilitation of projects, improved cross -border investment and financing facilitation policies, and optimizing cross -border financial foreign exchange special services.

The notice proposes to comprehensively use measures such as monetary policy tools, fiscal awards and insurance security to enhance the enthusiasm of financial institutions to serve the private economy.Strengthen departmental cooperation, improve credit information sharing, financing guarantee, convenient bill posts, accounts receivables, taxation, taxation and other supporting policies and mechanisms, and enhance the capacity of private economy and financial bearing.Financial institutions should strengthen publicity and interpretation and take the initiative to push financial support policies, financial products and service information to private enterprises.Financial management, development and reform, industrial, financial, taxation, industry and commerce, and other departments in various places have strengthened communication and coordination, strengthened supervision and guidance, and enhanced the effectiveness of policy.

Next, the People's Bank of China and other departments will guide financial institutions to implement the notice requirements and formulate specific implementation rules. At the same time, strengthen statistical monitoring and policy effect assessment to ensure that policies benefit private enterprises.