(Beijing / Bangkok Comprehensive News) The war in northern Myanmar was upgraded sharply, and two articles were published on Sunday (November 26) of the CPC Central Military Commission.Maintain the security and stability of the China -Myanmar border.

The PLA reports that the PLA southern theater organized the Army forces in the Chinese and Myanmar border China on Saturday (November 25) to hold practical training in China on the side of the China -Myanmar border, focusing on testing the rapid maneuverability of the theater, border control, firepower strikes, etc.Combat ability.

According to the on -site commander, the actual combat training is preset in various cases. The real soldiers are installed and pulled, remotely moved, and implemented for a long time; the PLA is designed to defend the national sovereignty, border stability, and people's lives and property.Safety determination will and the ability to win.

The PLA's "Jun Sheng" article on the "Jun Sheng" article on international affairs was reported on the same day, emphasizing that China pays great attention to the conflict between northern Myanmar, and calls on all parties to stop the fire immediately, talk peacefully, and avoid the upgrading of the situation.

The article says that defending national sovereignty, border stability, and the safety of people's lives and property is the responsibilities and mission of the people's army; this training will further strengthen officers and soldiers' awareness, crisis consciousness, mission consciousnessability.

According to Reuters, the Myanmar military government has stated that it has received notice on the exercise.

The PLA has repeatedly practiced on the border between China and Myanmar.In June 2015, the Chengdu Military Region organized land and air united real soldiers in the Sino -Myanmar border; the southern theater also implemented similar training in the region in March 2017.

The situation in northern Myanmar continued to become turbulent. A truck team from China was attacked last week. Hundreds of trucks carrying goods were burned in the Golden Triangle Port in Northern Myanmar.

Agence France -Presse quoted sources from local media and security departments that Myanmar's ethnic minority armed organizations have seized the control of the Golden Triangle Port from the military government and raised their flags locally.

The opening of the port in 2022 is the main trading point of the China -Myanmar border. The goods that transit this port include machinery and equipment, electrical appliances, agricultural tractors and consumer products.