Regarding the background of her consortium in the outside world, Wu Xinying, vice presidential party of the people, responded in Chinese and English, "should not use money to measure whether a person loves or not patriotism", "Don'T Money to meet myPatriotism (don't use money to measure my patriotic heart).During the visit, the Legislative Yuan was closed on December 20, and he still had many important tasks to be completed.

Regarding the background of her consortium of Shin Kong Group, Wu Xinying said that she felt that "she should not use money to measure a person who loves or not country."She is concerned about public affairs, disadvantaged groups, pensions, and people's property protection, and other industries such as the protection of the people care about issues, and the concerns of Taiwan issues will not change.

The Ke Wenzhe's campaign office spokesman Dai Yuwen also said that people cannot choose from, background and family. Wu Xinying has long devoted to charity and caring for disadvantaged groups.What is the background? Today, the election campaign in 2024 is still on the background of Wu's family, which is not positive for Taiwan's democratic development.

As for why he chose to be Ke Wenzhe's deputy, Wu Xinying said that no division legislator is a chance to give her. When the chairman requires, of course, she goes all out to allow democracy to have more choices.

Aiming at Ke Wenzhe's participation in the event on Sunday, it was business affairs that Taipei men went to the hotel. Wu Xinying responded: "You know the chairman often talks, so you don’t need to dig this hole for me. I only focus on it. I only focus on it.Policies, if you want to see the changes in Taiwan ", you just ask Ke's wife.