(Beijing News) Many Chinese cross -border merchants said that this year's "Black Friday" shopping season has not brought expected prosperity.On the contrary, they generally feel the bleak of the market, and some even describe the most bleak "Black Five" in history this year.

According to the First Financial Report, "Black Five" has always been a peak sales season for cross -border sellers, but this year's continuous promotional activities seem to make consumers feel tired and cause their enthusiasm for buying.

Ding Lingchao, the assistant general manager of Zhejiang Yilu You Road Outstanding Trade Service Co., Ltd., said that multiple salespersons engaged in home, small appliances and daily necessities reported that this year's performance in Amazon is the worst in history, and the sales and orders have not failedIt is expected, while advertising investment and costs increase greatly.

Chen Hai (pseudonym), a clothing merchant of more than $ 10 million last year, also revealed that its brand sales during the "Black Five" period were almost halved.

Zhu Qiocheng, general manager of Ningbo New Oriental Industry and Trade Co., Ltd., analyzed that the poor performance of this year's "Black Five" was mainly affected by the overall consumption environment and price strategy.Consumers are currently more inclined to buy necessities, and the desire to buy non -essential products has decreased.

Ding Lingchao believes that due to the extension of promotional activities this year, consumers have more time thinking and comparison, which has changed many original impulsive consumption behaviors and make the purchase process more rational and tangled.

Merchants believe that in the face of price competition and market changes, developing emerging markets and strengthening brand building is the key to responding to future challenges.