The major e -commerce platforms in China have successively launched the "Double Eleven" shopping activities to compete for the "lowest price on the entire network".Among them, Tmall Double Eleven Tuesday (October 31) was officially launched in the evening, and more than 70,000 brands traded on the first hour, which has exceeded the all -day transaction on the first day of last year.

Tmall announced data showed that after the sale of Tmall Double Eleven on Tuesday at 8 pm, 155 brands have a turnover of more than 100 million yuan (RMB, Same as S $ 18.73 million), including Apple, Haier, Midea, Huawei, Xiaomi, Person, Nike, etc.; 71,900 brands were on the first hour of sale, and the transaction exceeded last year's Double 11, including Gucci, Burberry, Sony, ASUS, Panasonic, HP, etc.

Mobile digital, home appliances, jewelry, clothing, beauty and other industries perform well.In the first day of the 29 live broadcast rooms, the turnover exceeded 100 million, of which 14 brands broke 100 million live broadcasts, and 280 shop live room transactions exceeded 10 million. opened the "10 billion subsidy day" at 8 pm on Tuesday. The data showed that less than four minutes at the beginning, the turnover of the tens of billions of subsidy channels had exceeded 100 million. last Monday (October 23) began a Double Eleven Promotion. Nearly 30 brands sold over 100 billion yuan in the first week, and nearly 15,000 brands increased by more than five times year -on -year.The amount increased by more than ten times year -on -year.

"Low -priced" is the collective strategy of Double Eleven Promotion of major e -commerce platforms this year.Among them, Taobao and Tmall shouted "the lowest price on the entire network", emphasized "really low prices", "really cheap to buy eyes", Pinduoduo, Xiaohongshu, and Douyin e -commerce also launched different "direct descending descends"Single -products" and other activities.

Xie Dongming, director of the Research Director of the Greater China of Singapore Overseas Chinese Bank, said in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that before the Double Eleven shopping show, the psychological status of many Chinese people is not like the past, but under the stimulus strategy of low -cost promotion, e -commerce this yearThe platform's first batch of transactions performed well.On the one hand, this is the manifestation of signs of the recovery of the Chinese consumer market. On the other hand, it also shows that although consumers have consumer behavior, the consumption attitude is more cautious and pay more attention to cost -effectiveness.

Xie Dongming said that the stock price of "Pinduoduo", which focuses on low -cost Chinese e -commerce platforms, has risen all the way this year, which also reflects the consumption proposition and consumption attitude of the current market.

Xie Dongming pointed out that in China's official data, the contribution rate of consumption to economic growth in the first three quarters of this year reached 83.2%, and in general, the consumption situation has recovered; but it must be seen that consumption differentiation in different fields must be large.Dining, supermarkets (supermarkets), cosmetics and other industries have significant signs of consumption recovery. However, due to the weak sales prospects of real estate, real estate related consumption such as building materials continues to be sluggish.