Member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and director of the Central Foreign Office, Wang Yi urged to hold a more authoritative and influential international meeting as soon as possible to promote the international community to reach a wider consensus on the basis of the two countries.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China announced on the official website, and it is also Wang Yi, the foreign minister of China. On Thursday (October 12), the chief special adviser to Brazil's chief special adviser, Amorin, phone, and the two parties have the opinions of the Pakistani conflict.

Wang Yi said that China's tensions on Palestine have intensified, causing a large number of civilian casualties.China opposes the behavior of harming civilians, condemn the practice of violations of international law, and at the same time calls on all parties to adopt a restraint to achieve the current situation to cool down as soon as possible to prevent further expansion of war.The priority is to ensure the safety of civilians, open up rescue channels, and avoid serious humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

He emphasized that the Palestinian issue is the core of the Middle East issue.The conflict once again proved again in a terrible way. The way out to solve the Palestinian issue is to restore the true peace talks as soon as possible and realize the legitimate rights of the Palestinian nation.

Wang Yi said that China has called for as soon as possible to convene a more authoritative and influential international conference, promote the international community to reach a wider consensus on the basis of the two countries' plans, and formulate timetables and roadmaps for this.The United Nations is responsible and obliged to play a role in Palestine's issue.

Wang Yi also said that China supports the Security Council to hold an emergency meeting on Pakistan -Israel -Israel Conflict, agreed to focus on human Taoism, clearly request suspension to stop violence, protect civilians, and form a binding international consensus.Actual measures.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs also confirmed on Thursday that three Chinese citizens were killed in a new round of Palestine -Israel Conflict. The two lost contact and several people were injured.