After Li Sisi, a well -known host of China CCTV, announced the departure, the Internet reported that she would open an account to transform the live broadcast and bring the goods. Taobao officials responded to this.Account of the same name.

According to the Daily Economic News report, some media found on Tuesday (October 10) that an account called "Li Sisi Selected" was quietly launched on Taobao live.At present, there are not many fans, only 300 people.

In addition, Li Sisi's personal Douyin account identity label is "host Li Sisi" and "high -quality e -commerce author". Li Sisi released more than 600 short video works in Douyin. In addition to sharing work and life,In the past year, I have also tried to open the box short video and some business promotion.There are 46 good goods in the commodity window area, and 4877 are displayed with the number of buyers and 5,240 sales.

This has made many netizens speculate that after the departure from CCTV, the famous host Li Sisi is likely to transform into a live broadcast anchor.

The official Weibo of Taobao Live on Wednesday (October 11) said that this year, there are indeed many top -flow big coffees to launch, and the number of Taobao live broadcast users and the number of anchors reached a high.However, the account passed on the Internet is not the host Li Sisi, but the account of the same name registered earlier.

Taobao live broadcast also said, "Of course, if you think about it, we are welcome at any time."

Li Sisi, who has hosted the Spring Festival Gala many times, announced on Monday (October 9) on social media that he resigned from CCTV.

Li Sisi posted on the personal account of the Douyin short video that day, "It's the most difficult to give up, Silk willow and Liu Xie Dongfeng, 13 years of struggle, gratitude to all, Qianqian Road scenery, Mu light and light,"Later, some netizens asked" Is it off? "Li Sisi gave a positive answer:" Well, start a new challenge "

He was born in Changchun City, Jilin Province, and graduated from the School of Journalism and Communication of Peking University.

Since 2012, Li Sisi has served as the host venue of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala.In 2018, 2019, 2021 and 2022, she once again served as the host venue of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala.