The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China held a meeting at the end of September this year to summarize and review the first round of the 20th Central Central Committee of the Central Committee for half a year. After affirming that it is an effective anti -corruption method, the Standing Committee of the Politburo Standing Committee and Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Li Xi on Tuesday (October 10)Mobilized the second round of central inspections, emphasizing "bravery to bright swords", and continuously improving the deterrence and targeted inspection of inspection.

Li Xi required to promote the high -quality development of state -owned enterprises with strong and effective political inspections, promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party in the field of state -owned enterprises, and determine that it will continue to increase rectification in the field of state -owned enterprises in the state of anti -corruption this year.

China has continued to increase the economy this year, but the steps of recovery have continued to be slow and unstable.State -owned enterprises not only have a huge volume, but also have rich capital resources. They are one of the keys to ensure whether the economy can reach the official growth goal of about 5 % this year.The national economic life pulse is not shaken.

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection held the plenary this year, and has predicted that in the bulletin, it will deepen the rectification of corruption in the fields of central enterprises, finance and other power concentrations, financial density, and rich resources.

After Li Xi at the helm of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission in October last year, he first went out in Beijing to investigate and visit Hubei in late March this year.Essence


, Li Xi, the leader of the leading group of the Central Inspection Work, held a meeting to deploy the first round of inspections of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China at the end of March to establish state -owned enterprises, finance, and sports as a key field of anti -corruption.Inspection, "looking back" to the five central management financial enterprises, and motor inspections of the State Sports General Administration is the first time since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the first three inspections have appeared in the same round of central inspections.

While conducting inspections, Chinese officials have also continuously concentratedly announced that state -owned enterprise cadres have been checked as auxiliary measures to strengthen deterrence.The latest issue of China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Magazine issued an article saying that under the deterrence of high -pressure, cadres and employees of state -owned state -owned enterprises were actively investing in more and more cases; the article also pointed out that the number of cadres and employees of the company's problem wasMore than 145 %, 56 people have taken the initiative to invest in the first half of this year.

The first round of central inspections to complete the feedback work in late September, pointing out that there are outstanding problems in the field of state -owned enterprises, finance, and sports, including "first -hander" and other key positions.The effectiveness of the "first leader" supervision will increase the investigation and punishment of corruption cases.

Chinese officials presided over the Politburo meeting on September 27, and affirmed the first round of the 20th Central Committee of the Central Committee to promote the "specific, precise, and normalized" of political supervision; from the perspective of inspectionStrictly governing the party has been strengthened.

But the highest level of the Communist Party of China also pointed out that while various tasks have achieved new results, there are also some problems. It is required to increase anti -corruption efforts in the state -owned enterprises and financial fields, with the opportunity of inspection and rectification, and continuously enhance the core functions and core competitiveness of state -owned enterprises and core competitiveness.Increase financial enterprises to serve the real economy and national strategic strength.

During the first round of inspections of the Communist Party of China, the official reported on September 16 that Liu Lixian, Secretary of the Communist Party of China CPC Discipline Inspection Commission of the Communist Party of China, took the initiative to investigate the investigation, which may also reflect the complexity of anti -corruption and some challenges facing the inspection.Liu Lixian participated in many rounds of central inspections and was the deputy leader of the eleventh inspection team of the Central Committee.

Chinese officials have frequently issued the punishment of many officials in the financial, sports and other fields in the field of financial, sports and other fields in March and April of this year, significantly accelerating the investigation and punishment of officials.Among them, Liu Lianzheng, the former chairman of the Bank of China, was expelled from the Communist Party of China; Li Xiaopeng, the former chairman of China Everbright Group, was "double -opened" (expels the Communist Party of China and public office).

Li Xiaopeng's multiple crimes are first exposed. He was accused of "eating finance by finance", holding non -listed companies, in terms of loan financing, business contracting, etc.Activities.Li Xiaopeng's former Tang Shuangning was also investigated in July. The corruption case of the financial central enterprise that was "turned back" in the first round of inspections in the central government continued to attract the attention of the outside world.

Du Zhaocai, the former deputy director of the State General Administration of Sports and the former deputy director who was accused of "eating football by football", was notified "Double Open" on October 7th, and was reported on Wednesday.Chinese football is the hardest hit area for sports anti -corruption. Since Li Tie, the former coach of the National Men's Football Team last November, has been investigated, and 13 people have been dismissed.

Li Xi announced the second round of central inspections on Tuesday, which will carry out regular inspections of 31 units, and carry out "look back" for the National Railway Administration and China National Railway Group Corporation.Go to the end.

While releasing the signal of corruption of state -owned enterprises, Li Xi also requested to strengthen cooperation with the cooperation with the organization, audit, finance and other departments on Tuesday, and enhance the joint supervision.

The anti -corruption force of the Communist Party of China has continued to escort the economy since this year, and more services to ensure the national development strategy. At the same time, prevention and resolution of major economic and financial risks is undoubted.During the round inspection, he was investigated.