As the number of enrollment continues to decline, China International Schools in Shenzhen, Zhuhai and other places have successively reported news.People interviewed by the industry pointed out that the Chinese economy facing downward pressure is one of the reasons that triggered a tide of bankruptcy. More and more Chinese families have shrunk due to lotus, and expensive international education is an option that they are difficult to bear.

Some parents have been circulating in social media in the past month. InvicTus International School (referred to as Yins), located in Nanshan District, Shenzhen, has stopped running school in early July.Sudden news made many parents caught off guard, because the school had only four days from issuing notice to suspension, and the school just issued a autumn admissions notice in late June.

Yinvit, headquartered in Singapore, is an international school founded in 2015.The school was completed in Shenzhen in 2020 and opened kindergartens and primary schools to high schools in Nanshan and Longhua, respectively. The latter has been suspended in 2022.

Yinvete has not officially announced the suspension of the Shenzhen campus.The reporter visited Yinvit's two campuses in Shenzhen a few days ago. Among them, the campus of Longhua has been requisitioned and is now a national defense military base. The kindergarten campus in Nanshan District is also empty.Down.The official website of Yinvit has withdrawn from school in Shenzhen.The school did not respond to the reporter's request.

According to the incomplete statistics of industry insiders, at least eight international schools in Shenzhen have closed down in the past two years, including more than 20 years in China, which originated from the "Shenzhen Dewei Academy", a subsidiary of Dewei School, Britain.

In addition to Shenzhen, Etonhouse, another Singapore's university, is located in the international kindergarten in Zhuhai High -tech Zone. It also stopped operation on July 31 this year.

A spokesman for the Eaton International Education Group responded to the United Morning Post inquiring that the reason for the suspension of the campus of Zhuhai High -tech Zone, including the school's leases expired, the number of enrollment and the demand for preschool education.

A spokesman said: "These are the factor that we cannot control. We decide not to renew the lease that expires, which is part of our strategic integration in the region. Our determination to develop in China is not affected, and we will be affected. We will be.Continue to find opportunities and development business in this important market. "

In China, the so -called "international school" refers to the universities that start international courses, including children's children and children's bilingual schools.Parents choose to allow their children to receive international education. They mainly hope to plan a way that is different from the traditional Chinese education model for their children to pave the way for foreign study abroad.

The children of the sources of multinational enterprises have not returned to the Chinese consumer confidence to be hit by the economy

In response to the frequent closure of international schools, the industry interviewed pointed out that in addition to the rapid decline in the birth population in China and the impact of lack of students' sources on enrollment, China's current economic situation also has an indirect impact on the industry.

The principal of the children of the Foreign Staff School of Shekou, the ISS (International School Service) Greg Smith, the vice chairman of the Asia -Pacific region, pointed out in an interview that although China has opened the epidemic control at the beginning of this year, due to the weak economic recovery and other factorsMany signs of multinational enterprises have not yet returned to China, and their children have not been supplemented in school places.

Smith, also the Chinese Australian Chamber of Commerce -President of South China, said: "Foreign students account for a large proportion of international students, but their absences have greatly reduced their enrollment.The impact may be greater, and the current proportion of foreign students in some schools may only be about 20%. "

Kang Yijun, deputy general manager of the Greater Bay Area International School Consulting Company, believed that in an interview with the interview, the lack of confidence in Chinese consumption in recent years is also the main reason for the difficulty of enrollment in international schools.

She explained that in addition to the international schools of pure foreigners, most of the enrollment targets of bilingual schools in China are Chinese students. At present, the downturn's economic situation has tightened many parents at hand, and they are more cautious about their children's education consumption.Essence

She said, "The tuition fees for international schools are very expensive, and some are as high as 300,000 yuan each year (RMB, the same, the same is S $ 56,000). Now many parents have no money, and they are more inclined to choose free public education for public education, Or ordinary private schools with cheaper tuition fees. "

Smith also pointed out that for international school students, most parents do not want to let their children completely withdraw from the track of international education, and abandon their prevalence.But under economic pressure, they had to transfer their children to international schools with lower levels and cheaper fees.

He also said that the cost of Chinese international schools is 25%more expensive than other countries worldwide. Therefore, in recent years, more and more middle -class families have sent their children to international schools in Southeast Asian countries, which has reduced the entry rate of Chinese domestic school.Essence

From a more macro perspective, Smith believes that the closure of international schools in the past two years has been expanded with the disorderly expansion of international education in the rapid growth of China's economic growth in the past ten years, and it is also inseparable.

He explained that international education was the incense of investors at the time, and a lot of hot money poured in, showing a trend of flowers.However, this phenomenon was curbed after the epidemic outbreak in 2020 and the official strengthening supervision.

He said: "Supervisory benefits of the long -term development of international education are beyond doubt. But if some schools believe that the industry will always be smooth when the industry is established; when the change suddenly occurs, the school's investors have to make a choice.. For some schools, the only wise choice is to stop the loss in time. "

Kang Yijun believes that the rectification of international schools in recent years is actually a process of screening and elimination."Those schools with relatively poor conditions naturally cannot withstand the test of time, and the doom that cannot escape. The remaining schools are basically better schools."