BloomberDuring the Tenth Portal Group Summit, he privately told Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang that Italy plans to withdraw from the "Belt and Road" initiative.

Bloomberg quoted a person who was unwilling to be named, and Melonney told Li Qiang at the Saturday (September 9th) at the Summer Group (G20) summit meeting that Italy plans to withdraw from the "Belt and Road"The initiative is still seeking to maintain friendly relations with China.

Reuters quoted the Italian Evening Post report that Meloni conveyed the intention of exiting the "Belt and Road" project to the other party, and Li Qiang also tried to persuade Italy to consider it.

According to reports, Italy told China that the United States has not instructed Italy to make this decision.

Melonney has said that she will visit China in the next few months.Bloomberg said that Italy's withdrawal from the "Belt and Road" initiative is a sensitive topic.Because he was worried that he would be retaliated with trade, Melonney pondered how to convey this information to China for a long time.

Bloomberg also reported earlier this earlier this year that Italy has notified the allies to withdraw from the "Belt and Road" initiative, but Melonony has faced how to convey this information to China in the past few months, and it can also be able to be able to change this information to China, and it can also be able to be able to change this information, and it can also be able to be able to convey this information to China, and it can also be able to be able to.Reduce the risk of revenge.

The Chinese ambassador to Italian Jia Guide was asked in June of this year that if the country decided to terminate the "Belt and Road" agreement, it would tell the Italian media when it was intended to have the impact of China Trade relations: "If you rashly decide 'Retreating 'will undoubtedly release negative signals and cooperate in various fields such as politics, economy and trade, and culture.