Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang on Saturday (September 9) emphasized that China and the European Union should further unite and cooperate.Pan -safety and pan -political.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Li Qiang attended the above -mentioned statement when he met with the European Commission Chairman Feng Delin during the leadership of the G20 leader summit in the Indian capital of New Delhi that day.

Li Qiang said that as the two major forces of the polar world and the two major engines of global development, China and the European Europe should further unite and cooperate and use the stability of China -Europe relations to hedge the uncertainty of the world situation.China is willing to work with the European party to meet the China -Europe leaders held during the year. By communicating and deepening mutual trust, deepening mutual trust and proper differences, they work together to make more positive contributions to global peaceful development.

He emphasized that the development and opening up of China brings opportunities to Europe and the world is not a risk.China is willing to strengthen communication and cooperation with the European party to improve the reliability and stability of Sino -European economic and trade relations.It is hoped that the European Union will adhere to the principles of market economy and fair competition, maintain the opening of trade and investment markets, and provide a fair, transparent and non -discriminatory environment for Chinese companies to invest and operate in Europe.

Li Qiang also said that China is willing to further deepen green partnership with the European party, strengthen dialogue cooperation in the fields of clean energy, green finance, and support developing countries in responding to climate change.