Chinese female singer Wang Fang was suffered in the Russia and Ukraine WarWhen the air strikes and the death of hundreds of civilians, the Mary Umbol Theater sang Soviet song Kazaka, causing protests from the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

A video video shows that Wang Fang stood on the platform of the Maliwol Theater's ruins and sang Khajisa in Chinese.According to the Russian satellite news agency, this video has reached millions as of Friday (September 8).

Ukrainian Foreign Ministry spokesman Oleg Nikolenko reproduced the video on Facebook on Friday, saying that this behavior was "complete moral loss."

Nickel said that according to the existing information, this group of Chinese "bloggers", including Wang Fang, is illegal.Ukraine's laws on foreigners cross national borders.

Nico Lianko said that Ukraine respects China's territorial integrity, hoping that Chinese citizens will explain the purpose of Chinese citizens' stay in Mali Ubol, as well as their ways to enter Mali Ubol.He also said that the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has banned these "tourists" from entering Ukraine.

At present, Chinese officials have not made any statements on the matter.

Wang Fang is the wife of Zhou Xiaoping, a member of the Chinese CPPCC and a well -known online writer.The Internet screenshot shows that Zhou Xiaoping forwarded a video and report on the satellite news agency on Weibo on Weibo on Weibo, saying that "resolutely support my wife's heroic behavior" and refer to her behavior as "Battlefield Rose".

Zhou Xiaoping subsequently posted a post to explain the matter again, emphasizing that Wang Fang was a Chinese folk singer and had no political identity. He was invited to visit Malu Poor as an ordinary Chinese resident.He also revealed that Wang Fang met with the leader of the "Donetsk People's Republic" supported by Russia after the singing.

Zhou Xiaoping also said that in order to avoid unnecessary disputes, he did not accompany Wang Fang to the controversial area, but stayed in Moscow and waited for his wife to return.

As of now, Zhou Xiaoping's Weibo "Comrade Zhou Xiaoping", the above blog posts are not visible.Some of the previous Chinese media reports on this matter, which is no longer visible.

The screenshot of the Internet also shows that Hu Xi, the editor -in -chief of the Chinese official media, posted a post on Saturday (September 9), saying that he personally did not agree with Wang Fang's behavior, but emphasized that "Wang FangfangIf so, Zhou Xiaoping praises like that, and should be defined as their personal behavior, which has nothing to do with the country. "

Hu Xijin also said that the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs enlanged the matter and asked the Chinese side to explain, "What can be explained?" The Weibo is also involved.

The Marwopol Theater was bombed in air strike last March. At that time, it was used as a civilian refuge, causing more than 600 people including children.Ukraine claims that air strikes are carried out by the Russian military, while Russia denies bombing theater or attacking civilians.