The Italian Prime Minister Melonony Melonney's Saturday (September 9) attended the G20 summit in New Delhi, India, and met with Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang to discuss the relationship between the two countries.

According to Reuters, the Melonony Office said in a statement that the common will of the Prime Minister of the two countries, that is, to strengthen and deepen dialogue on key bilateral and international topics.

The statement also emphasized that Italy and China have established a comprehensive strategic partnership, which will enter the 20th year next year, and describe comprehensive strategic partnerships to be a lighthouse for friendship and cooperation in the field of common concern.

Xinhua News Agency reported that Li Qiang said that a healthy and stable Chinese -intention relationship meets the common interests of the two countries and is also a need for better development between the two countries.Next year will be the 20th anniversary of the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership in China. China is willing to agree with David as an opportunity to further strengthen dialogue cooperation and promote development and prosperity.

He emphasized that China is willing to agree with the deepening mechanism cooperation, and make good use of cooperation mechanisms such as the joint meeting of the government committee to improve the level of cooperation between the two parties.The two sides should continue to expand bilateral trade. China will continue to expand market access and create more opportunities for Italian high -quality products to enter the Chinese market.

Li Qiang also said that it is hoped that Italy will provide a fair, fair and non -discriminated business environment for Chinese companies to invest in the industry.China is willing to agree to strengthen communication and coordination in the Group 20 to jointly defend the security and stability of the global industrial chain supply chain.

The outside world is focusing on whether Italy will withdraw from the "Belt and Road" initiative.Italy joined the "Belt and Road" in 2019, and is the only member of the Seventh -way Group (G7) to join the initiative.The "Belt and Road" agreement will expire in March next year, and Italy must make a decision three months in advance, otherwise it will be automatically renewed for five years.

The Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Tunani, who visited China recently, emphasized last Thursday (7th) that strategic partnerships would be more valuable than the "Belt and Road" initiative.