Venezuelan President Maduro arrived in Shenzhen, China on Friday (September 8th) to start his visit to China and meet with the Secretary of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China on Saturday (9th).

Comprehensive reports from Shenzhen Special Economic Zone China and Xinhua News Agency, Maduro visited Shenzhen's first stop Shenzhen from September 8th to 9th.During the depths, Maduro visited Shenzhen Talent Park and the "Exhibition of the Pearl River -the 40th Anniversary of the Reform and opening up in Guangdong" and other places to learn about Shenzhen's economic and social development and reform and opening up experience.

Meng Fanli met with Maduro on the 9th that Shenzhen was willing to further deepen the local government, enterprises and friendly exchanges and cooperation with Venezuela local governments, enterprises and friendly exchanges, and continued to obtain more pragmatic and pragmatic.Achievements and efforts to make local cities for the development of relations between the two countries.

Maduro conducted a state visit to China from September 8th to 14th. This is also Maduro's visit to China after five years.

Reuters has quoted officials and sources that energy trade, debt repayment and new financing may be the main focus of this visit.Venezuela has reportedly reported that the amount of owed to China has reached more than $ 10 billion (S $ 13.6 billion).