Because the homophonic symbols on September 9th symbolize the meaning of "long -lasting" and "long -term long -term", it will become the peak day of Chinese marriage registration every year. September 9 this year coincides with Saturday, marriage registrationThe department chose to work overtime.

According to southern+client news, the Civil Affairs Bureau of Dongguan, Guangdong said earlier that it is expected that the marriage registration demand on September 9 this year exceeds expectations.In order to effectively meet the needs of the marriage registration service of the masses, the city's marriage registration office went to work normally on the day to provide marriage registration services.In addition, the marriage registers will increase the number of marriage registration appointments on September 9th in accordance with the relevant provisions of the marriage registration day of the marriage registration day, reasonably allocate the appointment ratio of each period, and adjust the system to the external number in a timely manner.

At the same time, the marriage registration office will comprehensively consider factors such as the carrying capacity of marriage registration venues and the number of marriage registered staff, and take measures such as adding windows and extending service time.Essence

According to the Shandong Media Peninsula Metropolis Daily, the Marriage Registration Office of the West Coast New District of Qingdao also worked overtime to handle registration for the masses on Saturday.

As early as a week ago, the Marriage Registration Office of the West Coast New District deployed in advance and coordinated arrangements. In order to ensure that every newcomer who met the conditions could receive a marriage certificate on the same day, he deliberately sent overtime personnel to provide humanized services to provide humanized services.Essence

According to the Yangtze River Daily client, the marriage registration office of the Jiangxia District Civil Affairs Bureau of Wuhan City arrived at the job on Saturday.It is reported that the Marriage Registration Department of the Jiangxia District Civil Affairs Bureau has deployed various emergency measures in advance to optimize the on -site registration process.