Xi Jinping, chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission, inspected the 78th Army to emphasize that the construction management and combat application of the Innovation Group Army will comprehensively improve the ability of troops to prepare for war.

78 Army belongs to the Army of the Northern Theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

China CCTV reported on Sunday (September 10) that Xi Jinping visited the 78th Army on Friday (September 8) to emphasize the need to thoroughly implement the new era of strong army thoughts, implement the military strategy policy of the new era, innovateThe group army construction management and combat application methods, comprehensively improve troops to prepare for war and fight, and effectively fulfill the mission tasks assigned by the Communist Party of China and the people.

It is reported that Xi Jinping first pointed out that some time ago, China, North China, Northeast China and other places encountered extreme rainfall and severe flood geological disasters.The People's Liberation Army and the Armed Police Force heard that they were bravely invested in the burden, quickly put into the flood prevention and flood resistance and disaster relief work, fully ensured the safety of the lives and property of the people, played a good role in the role of assault teams, and showed a good image of the people of the people.

Xi Jinping affirmed the situation of troops since the establishment of the 78th Army.He emphasized that it is necessary to improve the quality and level of military struggle, strengthen the hard -working courses, specialize in the construction of new combat effectiveness, strengthen the integration of combat forces, combat units, and combat elements, and organically integrate into the joint combat system.

Xi Jinping said that it is necessary to comprehensively strengthen the building of the party's party, implement the spirit of the construction conference of the entire army, and strengthen the creativity, cohesion, and combat effectiveness of party organizations at all levels.It is necessary to persist in grasping the foundation of the grassroots, strictly strictly manage the management of the army, and maintain the high concentration of unification and safety and stability of the troops.It is necessary to carefully organize the implementation of the second batch of theme education, focus on solving the bottleneck of the development of the army, actively solve the problems for officers and soldiers, and continue to create a new situation of the group army construction.

According to CCTV, Zhang Youxia, vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, also participated in the above activities.