Wang Dengfeng, the oldest fund manager of Tianhong Yu'ebao, the largest public fund product in China, announced his departure. The company said that the product operation was normal.

According to the surging news report, Tianhong Fund Management Co., Ltd. issued an announcement on Saturday (September 9) that the fund manager Wang Dengfeng left Ren Tianhong Yu'ebao Currency Market Fund for personal reasons (referred toThe fund is managed by the other three fund managers.

The announcement also showed that Wang Dengfeng also stepped down as the remaining three Tianhong Fund products this time, namely Tianhonghong Hongyun Currency Market Fund, Tianhongyun Shangbao Currency Market Fund, Tianhong Cash ButlerCurrency market fund.According to Wind data, Wang Dengfeng currently has no fund products under the name, and all six fund products have been stepped down.

A insiders inside Tianhong Fund said that Tianhong Yu'ebao has been jointly managed by multiple fund managers since 2021, and the change of fund managers has become a common phenomenon in the industry. At presentImpact, everything is normal.

Public information shows that in May 2013, Tianhong Zenglibao Currency Market Fund (later renamed Tianhong Yu'ebao) was established;The first Internet fund.Wang Dengfeng is the first fund manager of the fund.

According to the company's semi -annual report, as of the end of the second quarter of this year, the scale of Tianhong Yu'ebao was 674.673 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, about 125.4 billion yuan), accounting for the total management scale of Tianhong Fund's total management scaleMore than 63%are also the largest public funds in China's market.

According to reports, from the perspective of profit data, Tianhong Yu'ebao earned a total of 6.278 billion yuan for the holders in the first half of the year, and it was also the only public offering product in the market with a profit of more than 6 billion yuan;From the perspective of performance, Wind data shows that as of September 8th, the seven -day annualized return of Tianhong Yu'ebao currency was 1.58%, and the yield during the year was 1.23%.