China officially announced the three -year action plan for the innovation and development of the Yuan universe industry, proposed to accelerate the layout of the industrial element universe in key industries, and cultivate three to five ecological enterprises with global influence.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on Friday (September 8) released the Yuan Cosmic Industry Innovation issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Tourism, the State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, and the General Administration of Radio and Television of the State Council on the official website.Three-year action plan (2023-2025).

The action plan proposes to strengthen the integration and innovation of key technologies, and strengthen the integration breakthrough of new generation of information technology such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, cloud computing, and virtual reality in the Yuan universe.The layout of key technologies such as certification and data asset circulation, such as metada cosmic technology in major national scientific and technological projects.

This plan proposes that by 2025, the Yuan Cosmic Technology, Industry, Application, Governance, etc. have made breakthroughs, which has become an important growth pole of the digital economy.The support ability is further consolidated, and the comprehensive strength has reached the world's advanced level.Cultivate three to five ecological enterprises with global influence and a group of specialized new SMEs to build three to five industrial development gathering areas.

The plan also proposes that for home appliances, automobiles, ships, aerospace, aerospace, major technical equipment, and electronic information manufacturing waiting for discrete manufacturing, accelerate the realization of cross -industry collaboration based on the industrial element universe.Establish a key industry mechanical model library, and develop a personalized life cycle management system for different products.

The Department of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology introduced that the Chinese manufacturing system is full, scenes, large markets, large markets, and the digital economy is booming. It has the solid foundation for developing the Yuan universe industry.There are still shortcomings and weaknesses in terms of governance.

The Department of Science and Technology said that the purpose of printing and issuing action plans is to accelerate the integration of industry consensus, gather resources to promote key technological innovation, build a coordinated development industry ecology, and form a joint force to promote the development of the Yuan universe industry.