China and Thailand's "Blue Assault -2023" naval joint training is over, and the two parties conduct deep integration training on joint anti-submarine and mutual residents.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the joint training of Zhongtai's "Blue Assault -2023" ended successfully on Saturday (September 9th) in the afternoon, and the two sides held a closing ceremony on the Thai Navy's "Elephant Island" warship.

报道称,此次联训突出联合性、实战性和务实性,在联合指挥、联合反潜、直升机互降、互进坞舱、互驻舰艇、丛林生存、城市作战、The helicopter slipping and other courses are highly trust and deeply integrated, and insisted on the strictness and strictness and combat, which effectively improved the technical level of war between the two sides.

Major General Chen Weidong, Chinese commander and deputy commander of the Chinese Marine Corps, said that since the first joint training of the "Blue Assault" in the two countries in 2010, the training content has increased from the land level to the navy formation level.The troops were compiled from a single soldier to the ship's multi -troops.

Chen Weidong said that through joint training and common exchanges, both sides of China and Thailand achieved the purpose of mutual learning and borrowing from each other.Military cooperation and exchanges between China and Thailand play a positive role.

The report also quoted Major General Apa, commander of the Thai side and commander of the Thai Navy landing ship detachment, said that the joint training provided the two parties with an opportunity to learn and communicate with each other, but also promoted the culture between the two countries.comminicate.