A restaurant in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, China hired a number of figures.The strong male actor serves the customer, and also allows the martyr's mouth to feed the female guests to the mouth. As a result, the law enforcement agencies were fined under the wave of public opinion such as "endangering social morality" and "moral customs".pause.

The fierce performance of the macho

Recently, there are many videos and photos of macho men who suddenly appear on Chinese social media.In the video, a number of actors with a height of more than 180 cm are naked or wearing tight vests on the stage.During the interaction, these actors danced with female customers closely, and also pinched their shoulders, feed, wipe their mouths, etc. for female customers.

Thai Drum Thai Drum RestauraThe clerk is dancing with female customers.(Internet)
The restaurant's macho clerk princess holds female customers.(Internet)

The restaurant in the video is called "Jinghong Thai Drum Thai Drum Thai Restaurant" (hereinafter referred to as Thai Drum Thai Drum).Wait for services.

Tianyancha APP shows that the Thai Drum Thai Drum was established in February this year. Two months later, the operator became Tian Xiaoyu. At the same time, the scope of operating the operating scope and operating performances were added.

A netizen who had made a special trip to watch said that the restaurant was full of people as soon as the dining time, especially at night, customers could not only watch the martyr's dance, but also came to the stage to take a photo together.You can experience the "Thai style dance" without going abroad.

Some netizens quoted the store that most of the macho men in the store were bodybuilding champions, and they also engaged in performing arts work and have dance majors.

The strong figure of macho men in the video, and the intimate interaction between them and customers, instantly make the Thai Drum Thai Drum the focus of attention, attracting many people to check in.But the drunkard's intention is not wine, and the expectations for the service of macho may be greater than eating.

The operating technique of walking on the edge of eroticism was soon followed by the law enforcement unit.

According to the China Network on Wednesday (July 26), under the supervision of the Comprehensive Law Enforcement Supervision Bureau of the Chinese Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Yunnan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism and the provincial law enforcement unit, on July 17thFrom the day to 21st, it launched a centralized case handling operation in Xishuangbanna. Thai Drum Drum was investigated and punished for "suspected business performances suspected of violations of laws and regulations".

After investigation, from April to July this year, the restaurant operator Tian Mou, Han and others hired a number of male actors to feed consumers in the restaurant and dance with consumers.Perform consumers to lick the rod, and make a teasing performance such as the front and back of the consumer, attract consumers to consume in the restaurant.Minors watched the performance at the scene, and the performance video was reposted in large quantities.

泰鼓泰鼓猛男店员与The intimate interaction of female customers has attracted Chinese official attacks.(Internet)

Law enforcement units described that Thai Drum Thai Drum "caused extremely harsh social impact", "suspected of endangering social morality and outstanding national cultural traditions", violating business performance management regulations, soinvestigation.

In order to obtain key evidence, the law enforcement unit sent a unannounced visit to the Thai Drum Thai Drum in advance, and collected remote electronic data evidence of the restaurant's suspected illegal operations, laying the foundation for successfully locking the relevant evidence of the case.

The Comprehensive Law Enforcement Supervision Bureau of the Yunnan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism issued a notice on Thursday (July 27), saying that the "illegal facts are clear and the evidence is really sufficient" by the Thai Drum and Thai Drum.Sexual performance permits, at the same time, confiscated illegal income of 10,000,664 yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 1978), and fined 106,640 yuan for ten times the illegal obtained.

One would be willing to hit and one?

After the above report was issued, a number of Chinese media published a comment article criticizing the interaction between the restaurant macho and the customer.

The article published by the Beijing News said that the behavior of the Thai Drum Thai Drum Men has "fiercely passed" the legal boundary.The restaurant hopes to increase interaction through entertainment performances and create a unique consumer experience, thereby increasing popularity and passenger traffic.But "marketing cannot be too outrageous, nor can it break through the border of public order and good customs."

Extreme news also says that the macho is so fierce that the restaurant does not look like a serious restaurant, and "mostly consumers interacting with men are women, which makes the picture look particularly vulgar."

The media "Yunnan.com" in Yunnan, where the restaurant involved, even called for "zero tolerance" to "zero tolerance 'for violating public order and good customs.The article believes that Thai Drum Thai Drum has been playing the ball, and the greasy performance and operation are really "fierce".

Thai Drum Thai Drum Restaurant's clerk restaurant staffThere are also feed services.(Internet)

"Destroy public order and good customs", "vulgar" and "moral corruption" is the official setting of the operating style of Thai Drum and Thai Drum.It is legitimate to investigate and deal with Thai Drums, but many Chinese netizens still have different views.

Some netizens said, "Spending money to enjoy, but not being hurt by personal safety, only the quasi -men can enjoy it, and the female is not allowed to enjoy it."Is there any problem? "There are also netizens who criticize the double standards of law enforcement units.

Surging News On Wednesday, the incident of being investigated and punished by a male restaurant launched a vote on Weibo.As of Thursday afternoon, about 250 netizens believed that this was "vulgar performance, resolutely resisted, and should be investigated."This shows that the Chinese public opinion field is not criticizing the martyr's restaurant.

More than one male restaurant

As the number of women's employment gradually increases and feminist ideas look up, men are consumer products, which is not unusual to be aesthetic and consumer targets.In fact, except for Yunnan and Xi'an and Chengdu, there have been restaurants that focus on "mad men" and "handsome guys", attracting women's group consumption.

Shaanxi Provincial capital of Xi'an City opened in 2020A "booming hot pot", the main manager who focused on high -value and good figure, became a hot spot for netizens.These clerks only cover their upper body with only one apron, and boldly show their strong figure.As long as the customers ask for requests, they can take a photo with these martyrs, and let him accompany meals, help meals, etc.

In May last year, the first barbecue shop with handsome guy clerks also appeared in Chengdu. The clerk would play muscle macho, overbearing president or fitness coach interaction with customers., Dipping shrimp shells, princess hugs, play games, etc.The clerk also performed male dances, singing, etc.; In June of the same year, another martyor hotpot restaurant appeared in Chengdu.

In the Internet era, such restaurants with very different characteristics can often get network traffic and cash out the sales of ready -made stores.The owner of Thai Drum Thai Drum said that since the launch of the macho performance project, the performance of the store has increased.The gimmick of the "Men's waiter" has become a wealth password to boost performance.

Not only a macho, but also many maid -themed cafes from all over China.The maid cafe originated in Japan. The concept is similar to the male restaurant. They all play a role in serving customers to serve customers, but the audience has changed from women to men.

In the maid cafe, the clerk wearing a maid costume played the master and servant relationship with the customers.As long as you pay extra, customers can take photos with the "maids", interact, and play games.When the food is delivered, the "maid" will also bring the guests to sing spells and magic to pray for food to become more delicious.

Some Chinese maid cafe can still be ableProvide accompaniment to play mahjong service.(Internet)

There is usually a page of customer behavior criteria on the menu of the maid cafe. It is clear that customers cannot make exceptions to "maids", including unable to contact with physical contact, and require personal contact information.

According to the data of the Tianyan Check in 2021, Guangdong, Jiangsu, and Sichuan are the regions with the most registered enterprises in maid deacon stores, accounting for about 16.8%, 16.3%, and 11.7%in China, respectively.From the perspective of annual growth, the growth rate of registration in 2020 is about 7.39%, which means that the market's demand for such role -playing restaurants exists.

Whenever there are such restaurants, the Chinese people have not interrupted the criticism of the restaurant's pornographic ball and making vulgar marketing.But so far, few restaurants have been punished by law enforcement supervisors like Thai Drum and Thai Drum, which shows that Chinese officials still have an attitude towards such restaurants with one eye and closing one eye.

But the macho service of Thai Drum Thai Drum is "too fierce", and interacts closely with guests, dancing hot dance, mouth feeding mouth feeding, etc., and has stepped on the moral bottom line of most people in the public opinion field.The rapid circulation of the video makes it difficult for law enforcement units to be silent.Although the lust can solicit business, this way of making money on the bottom line of the law repeatedly will sooner or later roll over by the head.