The State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council of the Chinese State Council emphasized that it is necessary to promote the centralized capital of state -owned capital to important industries that are related to national security and the lifeblood of the national economy.

According to the official website of the State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council of China on Wednesday (July 26), the State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council held a seminar on the deepening of the state -owned enterprise reform and enhancement action seminars of the head of the local state -owned assets commission from July 25th to 26th to propose the aboveRequire.

The meeting also proposed the other two directions to promote the centralized state -owned capital concentration, that is, the centralized industry concentration of the provision of public services, emergency capacity building and public welfare, and the concentration of forward -looking strategic emerging industries.Essence

The meeting said that it is necessary to actively cultivate "chain -long" enterprises to ensure that the industrial chain supply chain is independent and controllable; focus on key areas, enhance the toughness of the industrial chain, release the vitality of scientific and technological innovation, and promote state -owned and state -owned enterprisesThe heavy -duty major country and the cornerstone of the country.

For the second half of the year's work, the meeting requested to highlight the adjustment of the state -owned economic layout structure, highlight the main business, focus on industry, adhere to professional development, and promote the strategic emerging strategic emergence of state -owned capital to the real economy and have the foundation of development foundation.Industry, accelerate the high -end and intelligent green development of traditional industries.

According to news, industry insiders believe that the meeting clarified the "roadmap" of state -owned enterprise reform in the second half of the year, and improved quality and efficiency, technological innovation, state -owned economic layout structure adjustment, state -owned supervision system, major risk prevention and control and controlWait for the key tasks of the next stage of reform.