The Ministry of Commerce of China met with a number of Japanese companies in China in Beijing on Tuesday (July 18) to hear the production and operation of Japanese -funded enterprises such as Ruisui Bank and Panasonic in China.

According to Surging News, the Minister of Commerce of China Wang Wentao met with the President of the Investment Promotion Agency in Beijing in Beijing, and at the same time held a round table meeting of Japanese -funded enterprises to listen to Ruisui Bank, Panasonic, Toyota, Hitachi, YKK and other Japan.The production and operation of the enterprise in China and suggestions and suggestions in China have responded to the focus of the company's focus one by one.

Wang Wentao actively evaluated the Japan -China investment promotion agencies at the meeting to promote Japanese companies' investment in China and promote the contribution of economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.It will not be closed, and it will only be bigger and bigger. I hope that Japan -China Investment Promotion Agency will continue to play the role of bridge bonds and promote bilateral economic and trade exchanges and cooperation.

He said that China's modernization process will bring huge development momentum to the world, and will also provide broad market space and cooperation opportunities for enterprises including Japanese companies.The Ministry of Commerce will actively play the role of foreign -funded enterprises' round table meeting, carry out normalized exchanges with foreign enterprises and business associations, listen to corporate opinions and suggestions, respond to solving corporate concerns in a timely manner, create a better environment for foreign companies to invest in China, create more conditions, and create more conditions.Provide better services.

Recently, the Ministry of Commerce of China has repeatedly convened domestic domestic enterprises and foreign enterprises to exchange, and listened to the development of private enterprises, difficult issues, and related opinions and suggestions.

Li Hui, deputy director of the National Economic Comprehensive Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, said at a press conference on Tuesday that the Development and Reform Commission will continue to play the role of private enterprise communication mechanisms, adhere to the normalization of private entrepreneurs' symposiums, and listen carefully to private privately.Entrepreneurs' true ideas, actively coordinate the specific demands put forward by the enterprise, and timely evaluate the implementation effect of the current policies in a timely manner, and further improve macro policy measures.

On the other hand, Sheng Qiuping, deputy minister of the Ministry of Commerce of China, stated at the press conference that since this year, as the epidemic prevention and control is stable, the consumption policy and measures have been effective.EssenceIt is expected that consumption will continue to rise to a good trend in the second half of the year, and the basic role of economic development will be further consolidated.