In the first summer of Beijing in 2021, the high temperature of 36 and 37 degrees Celsius surprised me.When talking with a friend about the weather in Beijing in summer, he laughed and said, "Don't worry, the maximum temperature in Beijing will not exceed 39 degrees Celsius" -the did not understand his laugh at the time, but later found that according to the official regulations, if the temperature reaches 40 degrees Celsius,Local must stop outdoor open -air operations.

However, friends' claims are not reliable.In the past month, Beijing Guanxiangtai (1951) has been built for the first two consecutive days of more than 40 degrees Celsius. Beijing officials have also released the first red -level high -temperature warning in nine years.; The summer temperature in the Chinese capital in just two years is a practical manifestation of the intensified global climate change.

China is one of the areas that are the most affected by climate change. The report released by the research institution's interactive and dependence initiative (The Cross Dependency Initiative) shows that among the 50 areas around the world, there are 26 areas that are most likely to suffer from climate change related disasters.Among the 10 areas of the highest risks, China accounted for nine in China -including Jiangsu, Shandong, Guangdong, Shanghai and other economic provinces, which accounted for more than half of China's total economic output value.

In the past three years, the impact of extreme climate has become increasingly prominent in China. The previous year Henan had severely floods due to rare heavy rainfall. Last year, Sichuan Province, a hydropower province, faced the crisis of electricity deficiency due to high temperature and drought.The Ministry of Water Resources of China has estimated that this year's flood season is regional and phased, and the staged drought and floods are more important than all year round.China's national defense flood control level 4 emergency response has now covered seven provinces and autonomous regions of Jiangsu, Shandong, and Sichuan.

Severe climate changes are not unique to China; World Meteorological Organization reminds that last week was the hottest week since the world's record. In June, the hottest June has just been recorded in June.UN Secretary -General Gutres has warned on July 6 that the latest climate data shows that climate change has been out of control. If it continues to delay the necessary key measures, the world will be in disaster.

China obviously understands the long -term impact of climate change, and also feels the pressure of reducing emission reduction; China as the world's largest carbon dioxide emission country has clearly proposed the carbon peaks by 2030 in 2020, and realized 2060 years ago.Carbon neutral goals.

As China strives to fight for the economy after the epidemic prevention policy is loosened, the International Environmental Organization is currently paying high attention to whether China ’s plan to reduce carbon emissions will drive a car.

The non -profit media The Conversation reported last week that compared with the same period before the epidemic in 2019, the carbon emissions of China's four months before 2023 increased by 10%, mainly due to increased power generation and industrial demand.

Greenpeace released by the International Environmental Organization at the end of April stated that the Chinese local government approved the new coal of at least 20.45 Gigawatts in the first three months of this year.Beyond 2021.

China Customs General Administration on Thursday (July 13) released the import and export data released by goods on Thursday (July 13) also shows that China's coal imports from January to June this year reached 2219.3 billion tons, an increase of 93 from 115 million tons in the same period last year.%.This means that China may seek to input coal input to avoid summer electromoto caused by coal shortage and hydropower deficiency in the second half of the past two years.

The above data reflect that China puts its current economic recovery and energy security issues in the priority position, and will not sacrifice economic development to reduce carbon emissions in the short term.

For China, the biggest emission reduction challenge is not choosing between economic development and emission reduction, but how to accelerate the transition to green energy and decoupling carbon emissions as soon as possible.In the case of slow economic development, double carbon targets are achieved at the same time.

In 2020, non -chemical energy in China accounts for about 15%of the source of total energy. The new type of power system released in June this year is proposed that the non -fossil energy consumption ratio is important to 25%in 2030 and 80%in 2060above.

China's weak economy has brought impact on the society. It is obviously not practical to reduce the pace of economic growth at this time to reduce the pace of economic growth.But we also have to see that solving the problem of climate change is a running -in running. The distinction of a moment may bring long -term difficulty in compensating; the influence is not just the distant next generation, but the actual generation of the current generation.Life.

How to get a balance between the future crisis and how to solve the current economic difficulties is a problem faced by China and the world.But for China, which has a huge population, a vast, and facing severe economic challenges, this problem may be more difficult and tricky.