On the eve of the US Treasury Minister Yellen's visit to China, Beijing issued the latest raw material export control order on the grounds of national security, allowing the Sino -US science and technology war to increase heating up.

The Chinese Ministry of Commerce and the General Administration of Customs issued an announcement on Monday (July 3). From August 1st, China will implement export controls on the relevant items of 镓 and 锗, because the reason is to "maintain national security and interests"Essence

According to the announcement, if these items are exported, the export license procedures must be completed. Exporters must apply to the Ministry of Commerce through the provincial business authority, and they must also be the final receiver and use of the report.Those items that have significant impacts on national security must also be reported to the State Council for approval.

锗 的 的 is an important rare metal raw material, which is widely used in strategic emerging industries.Metal “is called" new grain of semiconductor industry ". This time, gallium arsenide 镓, which is included in export control, can be used to make high -performance chips.There is no effective alternative than gallium arsenidium.Nitride is one of the most representative third -generation semiconductor materials. It is widely used in 5G communication, new energy vehicles, and even military radar.

在 is also listed as an important strategic resource in many countries. It can be used in high -tech fields such as infrared optics, fibrous fiber, solar cells, polymerization catalysts and medicine.Potential value.

According to a report from the European Commission in 2020, China's cricket output and cricket output accounted for 80%of the world's.However, China's advantages in upstream production are mainly exporting primary products to developed economies; in the downstream application of these raw materials, such as high -tech products such as chips, China not only does not have advantages, but also faces the "card neck".risk.

After restricting American companies with technology and products to Chinese companies, the United States also issued measures last October to limit US companies to export advanced semiconductor manufacturing equipment to China.Restrictions on China's export advanced semiconductor manufacturing equipment.

Just before China announced the export control order of the 锗 and 锗, the Netherlands announced on Friday (June 30) that from September 1st, export control of some advanced semiconductor manufacturing equipment means that the semiconductor equipment giant Ace AceMai must obtain permission to export the most precise light carvings to China.

Last week, it also stated that Washington is also preparing to take additional measures to restrict China to obtain key technologies, including restricting Nvidia, Chaowei Semiconductor, Intel and other companies to sell high -end chips that can drive the development of artificial intelligence in China.

Although restricting strategic raw materials export and protecting limited resources are the embodiment of maintaining national security and interests, these raw materials have become a new field for China and the United States because of the throat of the development of strategic emerging industries.Everyone can see that Beijing comes to the United States this time. The purpose is to use raw materials as "weapons" to sacrifice the opposite "card neck" strategy: you "stuck neck" on me on high -end chips, I will just go to me, I willBroken your raw materials for making chips.

With the advantages of China on these rare metal production, once this export control measure is used, it will inevitably impact on the downstream semiconductor industry, especially in the production of high -performance chips.EssenceSome industry insiders estimate that it may affect all third -generation semiconductor production.How will China eventually perform export control? To what extent this will affect the high -tech industry of the United States, this will become China's "killer" in the scientific and technological war. It is not clear at present, but this will definitely strengthen the key to the United States.Commodity decreases its determination to depend on China and further "de -risk".

U.S. President Trump has launched a scientific and technological war on China during his administration.At present, based on the protection of national security, through specific export restrictions, slowing down the development of opponents in the high -tech field is the core play of Washington and Beijing in this scientific and technological war.Before the selection of Beijing to visit China, the export restrictions on semiconductors, solar cells and arms raw materials were sacrificed, and they must strive for greater chips before the talks between the two sides.

China and the United States have killed swords and swords in high -tech warfare. Both sides have their own interests to be maintained, and it is difficult for any party to show weakness.

Although Washington stated that it does not seek to be "decoupled" in China, in the future of high -tech, it will directly determine the fields of Sino -US military strength, and the United States dares not to relax at all.For Beijing, in the face of the United States, it is necessary to counterattack through the market size and the advantages of special raw materials; in the long run, we must also strive for breakthroughs and self -reliance in core technologies in the long run.

From raw materials to technology to the market, due to the complexity of high -tech products such as semiconductors and span on the industrial chain and supply chain, the two major powers of China and the United States are actually tied closely with each other.Adopting unilateral restrictions, confession, or market blockade on the chain may cause the development of a technical field into a situation of damage, and even drag out the overall progress of human technology.

No one wants to see the "New Cold War", but seeing that this scientific and technological war is continuously upgraded, I do not know to what extent to the end, it is difficult to make people feel cold.